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  • The Stone Spirit

Working with crystal skulls

What are crystal skulls and how do they work? My skull Evianna helps introduce the world of crystal skulls—including how to choose yours and ways to connect with it.

When I began my search for a crystal skull, I stumbled upon the website of Einstein, the Ancient Crystal Skull. I didn't know much about ancient crystal skulls, but the moment I saw Einstein's photo, I felt an immediate invitation to connect. Bemused and humbled, I did connect with Einstein and it was an enjoyable and enlightening conversation. Turns out, Einstein and I go way back.

I ended up buying my skull, Evianna, from Einstein's keeper, Carolyn Ford, who works with Einstein to imprint new crystal skulls. Evianna and I are still connected with Einstein and speak with him often. So when I asked Evianna to tell me how crystal skulls work, I was delighted to see Einstein join us. Here is what they said.

Hello you two! Can you help me understand how crystal skulls work?

Crystal skulls store information. They also process information in a way you won't really understand. It is somewhat similar to the way a computer processes information, but the crystal skull uses consciousness itself. There is a spirit, a consciousness, that inhabits the skull, as consciousness inhabits all crystals. In the skull’s case, the consciousness computes, records, and disgorges information, and makes connections between realms and consciousnesses.


Einstein’s physical crystal matrix holds information that can be accessed. The mass of a skull’s physical crystal is a part of how much information it can hold and the level to which it can compute. Even a small skull can hold information and compute, just to a lesser degree than a large one.

Einstein, can you tell me about the ancient crystal skulls?

You want to know what the ancient skulls do, why they're here, and how many there are. Let me give you what I can. Some information is not to be made public yet.

The ancient crystal skulls were created and seeded around your planet; some by off-world civilizations and some by civilizations that started here on Earth. You may know one of these as Atlantis. Yes, at least one of the ancient crystal skulls was created in Atlantis by Atlanteans.

There are 9 “ancient” crystal skulls on Earth. There are more on other planets and a few on the great ships. The skulls here on Earth have different purposes. I myself am recording the consciousness of the planet. So, you can think of my matrix as a kind of supercomputer, although only a portion of my total consciousness is embedded in the skull called Einstein. Other skulls have healing missions, are spreading divine Truth, or connect to ascended beings. This is all the information I can give you at this time. I hope it is helpful.

Thank you, we appreciate it. I notice that you and Evianna have different missions. How does that happen?
Evianna and Einstein, the Ancient Crystal Skull
Evianna with Einstein, the Ancient Crystal Skull

An intention is present when a crystal skull is created. When the crystal is shaped like a human skull, the creator’s intention is usually to develop something that has some of the attributes of the human brain.

The creator's intention, together with the mass of the skull, the type of stone, and the consciousness that inhabits the stone, will give form to the skull’s vibration. And that will determine how the skull operates in your world.

Can you give an example?

Consider Evianna. She is made of blue chalcedony, which resonates with the throat chakra. Therefore, she supports the taking in and giving out of information.

Evianna’s purpose is to support communication endeavors, and she chooses to do that by helping you in your work: by putting words to the pictures you see; by helping you understand which stones to use for clients; and by collecting information from all of the stones in her environment. She helps heal the stones in your environment and aligns their vibrations with yours, thus creating a crystalline network that serves your needs. Evianna also has a connection to the elementals of your world, so she is generally in resonance with the natural world around you, including the fairies.

Let's talk about a different skull, your friend Trish’s skull Dez. Like Evianna, Dez makes connections and records, computes, and provides information. But Dez’s purpose is different because she is made of a different kind of stone—Caribbean blue calcite. Dez works on the mind: the third eye and crown chakras. Her mission is to organize vibrations and thoughts to optimize the connection between Trish and the energy field.

What about a small skull, like my black onyx dragon skull?

Small skulls also record, compute, and provide information, just to a lesser degree than larger skulls. But your dragon skull’s primary purpose is to make connections. Its purpose has been shaped by its creator's intention: to make something aligned with the Dragon Consciousness. So, your little dragon skull resonates with the vibration of the Dragon Consciousness, and because you are able to talk to your skull, you are also able to talk to the Dragon Consciousness.

I can see how intention would make a difference.

Yes, the intention that's present at its creation gives the skull its purpose. But that’s only one part of the equation. The intention blends with the consciousness that inhabits the skull, with the mass of the finished skull, and with the minerals, colors, and vibration of the physical crystal itself. All these things work together to create the phenomenon of a crystal skull. And, because different people have different abilities, each person’s experience with a skull is going to be unique.

Are you saying that two people holding the same skull will have different experiences?

Yes, absolutely. The larger the skull, the more the skull can help to shape the experience of the person who connects with it. However, that person’s own abilities will also determine how they receive information from the skull. Not everyone could pick up your dragon skull and connect to the Dragon Consciousness. That is achieved because you can feel and respond to frequency, and because you have mediumship abilities.

Do crystal skulls work with us when we sleep?

Yes. A crystal skull can work with you at all hours of the day and night, in your conscious and unconscious states. Evianna, for example, is helping you to heal the crystal beds underneath you, even though you are not aware you are doing that. Evianna has many jobs, but one of the most important is to help translate your intention to the stones in your environment. Your intention is to heal, and therefore in a very real way she helps you heal the crystals in your environment—including the crystal beds that extend for miles around you.

That's fascinating. So, how do we find the right skull for us?

We would say that you yourself took a pretty much textbook approach. You wanted a crystal skull that could help put words to the images in your third eye. From there, you searched the Internet. You didn't have any idea what kind of crystal you wanted. You simply looked for a skull that resonated with you. And that’s how you found us.


This is the direction we would like to provide: To find the crystal skull that is right for you, hold your intention for that skull in your heart as you look at images of available skulls. Pay attention to the one that grabs your attention. Pay attention to the one that hits your heart. Pay attention to the one that speaks to you on a gut level. That's the one for you. Nine times out of 10, it will be in a material and have a mission that aligns with your need.

Once we choose a skull, how do we work with it?

We suggest that you rest your hand on the skull and meditate with it. Create a connection with your skull by sitting with your hand on the skull and meditating for five to 10 minutes every day. You may start to see pictures, hear words, get feelings, or receive information in some other way. Once you've developed the connection, maintain it with regular focused meditation and with gratitude.

Do crystal skulls need to be kept in a special place?

The skull will help you decide where to place it. Some skulls may want to sit next to your bed. Some may want to be near you as you work. Wherever you keep your skull, be sure that place supports the vibration of the skull. We would call that a sacred space, a clear space, a space that is not jam-packed with other vibrations. Clear your skull frequently using flowers, incense, smoke, sound, divine white light, or reiki.

What else should we know about crystal skulls?

Every skull is a mystery. Every skull is a delight. Crystal skulls are exceptional souls, with a distinct purpose, and a special way of being in the world. They should be treasured.


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