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  • The Stone Spirit

Water, crystals, and memory

You may already know that words have power. But do you know why? Larimar and Lemurian seed quartz explain the nature of water, its relationship to crystals, and the records they keep of life on our planet.

Water is fascinating. It's critical to life on Earth, but it also has a host of properties that are just now coming to light. Larimar and Lemurian quartz weigh in on the nature of water—and just how important it is to speak words of kindness to ourselves.

What is the nature of water?

Crystallized life. The potential for everything is held within it. Water, in your reality, is the basis for physical creation. It makes physical life possible on your planet.

Are there planets on which water is not the basis for creation?

Yes. The building blocks for physical reality vary according to the kind of life to be sustained and the materials available on the individual planet. In your reality, all life began in part as aquatic beings, so water is most fitting as the core of your reality.

Does water have a purpose other than as a key supporter of Earthly life?

Yes. Water is a kind of encyclopedia on your world. You already know that water has memory.* What you do in its presence is remembered, contained within the structure of the water, until the water molecules are disarranged. Then the memory is erased and the water is ready to record anew.

This is why crystal water can be a source of nourishment and healing for the soul in human form. Placing crystals near water entrains the water to the crystal’s vibration. Drinking from that water allows the physical body to take in the essence of the crystal. A sovereign source of healing.

Tell more more about how water can be entrained.

All is energy. All is vibration. The water’s molecules will adopt the vibration of what is around them. Speak love to water and it will help life flourish. Speak anger or hatred to water and it will destroy. This is why it is so important to speak kindly to yourself. Because your body is 70% water, it is, in a very real way, listening.

Why do our pets tend to prefer drinking from moving water?

Oxygen aerates the water, and they know that moving water, or water that has recently moved, is healthier. But there is another reason. Movement is energy, and energy is life. The water carries the energy of movement and that moving energy is cleansing. That’s why cleansing your crystals in running water is effective.

It is said that water has a fourth phase, liquid crystal water, and that this phase has the same molecular arrangement as quartz. Why is that?

They are twin parts of your physical reality. Both are components of Source, dedicated to supporting life in your reality. Both are a pure expression of Source’s will and direction.

Since liquid crystal water and quartz are so similar, is it proper to think of our bodies as crystals themselves?

Entirely proper. Your physical bodies are crystalline in nature. You just don’t see it. You see the flesh and blood. But the structure, the base, of existence in your reality is crystalline.

The water in your body helps you to live, yes. But it also powers all the magic you can do. All psychic powers are made possible by the connection your body’s water makes to spirit.

That’s one reason crystals are so helpful in connecting you to spirit. They are a pure, constant vibration, so bringing a crystal into your aura, your energy field, entrains the water in your body and makes it easier to connect to spirit. Then your physical brain interprets the information that you access. For your brain can be thought of in the same way you think of a computer: as a collector, processor, and storer of information.

Do crystals have memory the way water does?

Certainly. Your scientists know this. They have imprinted data on a quartz chip. But the reality of a crystal’s memory is much more complex and beautiful than that. The memory is etheric, in addition to the physical. The crystal stores ups the vibrations around it. Those sufficiently attuned can download and process such information.

Is that why adepts say we can “program” our crystals?

Oh yes. And your crystal will store not just the vibrations in your home, but everywhere it has been. It is a living record. You can give your crystal an intention—a vibration—to be held, and it will carry that vibration for you.

Does cleansing the crystal remove its memory?

No. The crystal has its own vibration. Any intention/vibration that it has been asked to hold for you is separate. Cleansing releases those separate vibrations but leaves the crystal’s own vibration—and its memory—untouched.

Where is the crystal’s memory stored?

In the place where all memory and experience is stored—the Akash.

*The stones are referring to the work of Dr. Maseru Emoto, detailed in his book, The Hidden Messages in Water.


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