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  • The Stone Spirit

Accelerate your spiritual growth with the spiral

The spiral features in countless ancient places, from the old world to the new. My guides offer insights into what they say is an ancient teaching tool, including what we can learn from it and how we can put it to work in our lives today.

The spiral shape has been enshrined in rock art from Newgrange to New Guinea, from Australia to Africa, and from the caverns of Spain to the canyons of the Americas. That's no accident, say my guides Ra-Sha and Charlie. Just when I thought we were done with symbols and sacred geometry, they're back with a new lesson.

Apparently, the spiral is an ancient teaching tool that has as much relevance in our lives today as it did for the peoples of the ancient world. Together with the Selenite Consciousness, Ra-Sha and Charlie offer insight into the deep symbolism of the spiral, including what we can learn from it and how we can put its energy to work in our lives now.

Can you explain why spiral designs are featured in so many ancient petroglyphs?

The spiral is a pretty deep symbol, and it has been involved in many teachings throughout the eons. That's why you see the spiral in many ancient places. It was used as a teaching tool to help humans understand their reality and their actions and place within it.

What does the spiral teach us?

The spiral is development. The spiral is growth. The spiral is the cycle of consciousness. It is a symbol of the development of consciousness, but it is also a symbol of the cycle of time. Or, in places where there is no time, the spiral is a symbol of the cyclical nature of the events that come together to create a space for something to happen.

I think I might need an example.

We know that's not very clear. Let’s try that again. Events, emotions, and vibrations all come together to create the conditions that are ripe for something to occur. That could be talking to your guides. That could be a political situation. That could be a circumstance in your life that prompts growth. The spiral symbolizes all of those things. That's because one of the things you don't understand is that reality is cyclical. It is driven by vibration and patterns of energy in the heavens.

Are you referring to astrological movements?

Yes. Astrology plays a major part because the planets all have effects on the vibrations on Earth. Your vibrations, the planet’s vibrations, nature’s vibrations, the vibrations of a particular set of circumstances, it's all vibration.


The interplay of these vibrations creates situations, or perhaps a better word is containers, for a specific set of things to take place. And when we talk about things, we mean anything— a conversation, a connection to your guides, a war—really, anything. So, the spiral symbolizes growth and the cyclical nature of reality.

That’s so interesting. Does the spiral have other meanings?

Yes, the spiral also symbolizes the development of human consciousness, from being focused on the outer world—clothes, food, work—and then moving to the inner world—spirituality, connection to your guides, understanding your role in reality, and the equality and oneness of all creation.

If the spiral is a teaching tool, can we work with it to improve our daily lives?

Because the spiral symbolizes the development of spirituality and the raising of consciousness, you can meditate on the spiral to further your spiritual development. Here's one way to do that: Quiet your mind, then picture yourself walking the spiral.

This meditation is especially powerful if you picture the spiral in 3D. Imagine the spiral starting on the surface and then spiraling up to the heavens, a little like a mountain. Picture yourself walking around and around and up the spiral, until you reach the pinnacle.

Is there anything else we should know about the spiral?

Oh, yes. This is a very deep symbol. It is one of the basic teachings to humanity because it represents the cycle of human awakening—that is, the journey from taking the veil and forgetting your divinity to remembering, realizing, and achieving your divinity. And so, this shape speaks to you at a very deep level, in your light codes and in your DNA. The first men learned of this construct at the feet of the star mothers. It is very deep, and very sacred.


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