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  • The Stone Spirit

Understanding the angelics

My guide Eloice and the Ajoite Consciousness help explain the angelic realm.

When I was introduced to my guide Eloice, it was as a resource for stone and herbal remedies. Imagine my surprise when she appeared one day with wings. Because I had seen a past life with Eloice as wise women and healers, Eloice as an angel didn't compute. I took the question to Eloice and ajoite, a high-vibration stone that aids communication with the celestial realm.

What is the nature of my guide, Eloice?

An angelic entity. A guide. A companion along the way. A friend. A teacher. A student.

What exactly is an angel?

Well, there are many types of angels. Perhaps it is easier to think of angels as ascended consciousnesses that have accepted or sought a specific service. "Angel" is not a religious term. It is a human word and an indication of a realm of consciousness. Stop thinking of this realm as that discussed in your Bible. Think of it instead as a state of being, a state of service, a state of consciousness.

I've heard it said that pets are part of the angelic realm. Is that true?

Yes, for your concept of the angelic realm is somewhat limited.

What kind of angel is Eloice?

The kind that is nearest the Earth plane, my love. We are all near, but my task is to shepherd you into your purpose.

Eloice, have you and I shared physical lives together?

Oh yes. We were together in ancient Rome and Britain, as well as the life you saw in Tudor England.

Does that mean angels can incarnate in the human realm?

Yes, those of the angelic realms incarnate. Some ascend to the angelic realm after incarnating. Some of the angelic realm incarnate for a purpose.

Can humans ascend to the angelic realm?

Of course. The world is much more complex than you imagine. You are and have been many things besides human. And all those experiences contribute to your soul’s expansion. Your soul’s vibration rises until it achieves a level that attracts it to the "angelic" realm. It is merely another state of being. From here, we can focus more on helping, on service, rather than on expansion of ourselves. (For service IS expansion.)

Through service you ascend—that is, you increase your soul’s vibration—so that you can go on to new and bigger adventures. Perhaps that may be simplest for you to grasp in your current state of being.

Would you call this current human lifetime an adventure? The last few years have been more like a nightmare.

Oh, yes. Most assuredly. This time on Earth—oh my dear, the tumult. It takes tremendous courage and grit to be in that energy and still maintain a service mindset. It is easy to get lost in the emotion, the heavy energy of anger, grief, loss, and resentment. To be in that energy and maintain your light, your lightness of being, is an accomplishment and a service in itself.

Take heart. You are not "less than" any of us. You are performing a service for all of us. I wish you could see what we see! The light that is spreading over the Earth from cell to cell, in a great network of souls. Never has there been such a project on Earth, and we are in awe of what you all are accomplishing.

Is there anything you would like us to know?

Meditate upon the image of Earth covered in a web of light. For as you imagine it, so it is.


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