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  • The Stone Spirit

The role of pets in the human experience

Most of us who love animals know that pets play a special role in our lives. Here's a channeling that helps us understand more about our pets, their service to humans, and what they get out of the deal.

In many ways, I like animals better than people. Animals seem to me to be the purest expression of love that we can find, and the closest we can get to the angelics in physical form. When I asked about the role of pets in the human experience, two of my stones spoke up: dalmatian jasper, which connects me to various animal consciousnesses; and my Ethiopian honey opal, which is connected to the elemental world.

What is the nature of the relationship between humans and their pets?

Helping. Co-creating. Reciprocal. Pets help humans in a myriad of physical and emotional ways. They also assist humans in metaphysical ways. They can protect your etheric body, ground excess energy, amplify your spiritual connection, and increase your vibration by inspiring you to feel love and gratitude. Plus, they can assist with many spiritual endeavors.

What are pets getting out of the relationship?

Many things. Some souls are so bonded that they agree to be together always, and sometimes that manifests as a pet-human relationship. Some pets are souls hoping to understand the human experience better, before trying it for themselves. Some are angelic beings with a mission of their own on the planet. Some are souls with a particular goal and can best pursue that goal as a pet. There is no waste on the spirit plane. [laughter] We can find ways to use every situation and potential.

Do dogs have a particular role on the Earth plane?

Dogs protect the physical body, as you well know. Dogs can help ground energy and do all the things we mentioned above. The canine consciousness is loyalty, courage, selflessness, and love.

What about cats?

Cats are less of the earth than dogs. Cats have more of their energy in the spirit plane than dogs. That isn’t to say that cats are more spiritual beings than dogs. Cats are engaged in multiple levels of reality at once, and therefore are uniquely positioned to act as sentinels for a human’s etheric body, or aura. Cats are able to heal and protect the etheric body. That is one purpose of the “sound cloud” they create by purring. The feline consciousness is graciousness, cleverness, sovereignty, and love.

Do humans have to experience life as an animal on Earth before first entering as a human?

Some do. It is a good way to get used to the physical experience here. Some souls choose only to be animals. Some souls that have had human lives choose to have subsequent lives as animals. Some advanced souls enter as humans for a particular purpose and don’t need to have a life on earth as an animal.

There are so many ways to experience physicality in the universe that many souls have already sampled these and learned from them before attempting the very challenging nature of the human Earth experience.

Pets, and all animals, really, have no veil. Only humans take the veil. Animals do not forget their connection to spirit or their purpose for manifesting on Earth.

What would you like us to know?

Animals are souls. Animals are love. Animals deserve your respect and reverence. The dog at your feet and the cat on your shoulder, the wolf in the woods, the chicken in its henhouse, and the bear in her den are no less divine, no less wondrous, no less beloved by Creator than you are yourself.

Be humble in the face of their divinity. Appreciate their service and their journey. Give love, respect, and kindness. They will return it tenfold.


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