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  • The Stone Spirit

The Lion's Gate Portal, explained

You may have heard of the Lion's Gate Portal, which takes place every year on August 8. This year, the portal is on steroids, say the guides. Just what is Lion's Gate, what does it mean for us, and how can we use it to improve our lives?

The Lion's Gate Portal takes place every year on August 8. This year, say the guides, the portal is on steroids.

If you're reading this blog, then you are probably a spiritual seeker like me. And you may have heard of the Lion's Gate Portal, which takes place every year. The energy of Lion's Gate is active now through August 12, but it peaks on August 8. This year, say the guides, the Lion's Gate Portal is on steroids.

But what is Lion's Gate, and what does it mean for us? Today, that's the question the guides put into my mind just as I was transitioning from sleeping to waking. So I took the hint, asked the guides, and here is what they said.

Hello! I gather you want to talk about the Lion's Gate Portal?

Yes! The Lion's Gate Portal is an annual energy activation for the benefit of your planet and your solar system. All beings physical, non-physical, and extradimensional partake of this energy activation. It permeates everything you are and everything you do and will do.

What exactly is an energy activation?

It is a turning on of receptors in your cellular and energy bodies. For many, those receptors are, for lack of a better word, in an “off” position. But those receptors are activated by light. And so, Source in its wisdom created a system by which additional light could be added to your physical and energy matrix. That happens periodically throughout the year and the millennia, but it is an annual occurrence at the Lion's Gate Portal, which in your calendrical system is August 8, or 8-8.

What does the additional light do?

It turns on receptors. It turns on potential. It adds additional light to your cells and your energy body. Of course, your own energy—your intention, mindset, cultures, values, and all the other things that make you “you”—will determine whether you take full advantage of the additional light.

Assuming that you can anchor the additional light, the portal of Lion's Gate is a chance for you to welcome in the solar energies. It is a chance to welcome in light that can bring new possibilities, healing, and spiritual growth. The Lion's Gate Portal is a time of great growth for all beings and for the planet. But you decide how much of that solar energy you will welcome into your being.

What exactly are the solar energies?

The energy of the Sun is life-giving potential. It is expansion. It is taking pleasure in being alive and being conscious. Whether you are physical or non-physical, the energy of the Sun reaches you. And it teaches you to take pleasure in being aware, in noticing. It invites you to simply luxuriate in the feeling of being alive and aware.

I'm seeing the color yellow behind my eyelids right now. Can you tell me why?

You are experiencing additional light coming from the portal, and we are making you aware that it is coming in. We are trying to show you in physical terms that energy is reality.

Thank you. This year, the Lion's Gate Portal peaks on August 8, 2024. The sum of 2024 is 8, which suggests an 8-8-8 vibration. What's different about Lion's Gate this year?

It is the Lion's Gate energy activation on steroids. Eight is the number of balance, of giving and giving back. The vibration of 8 is the vibration of infinity, of energy coming in and energy going out in a continuous cycle. And so, 8 is the expression of consciousness in perfect harmony.

These energies of harmony and balance are encoded in the frequencies of the Lion's Gate activation. With this year's activation, you absorb more of the energies of harmony and balance. Imagine what that could mean in your physical world right now. That is the turning point this Lion's Gate Portal offers.

The opportunity is offered through this portal, but only you can decide how much of that energy you will absorb and anchor.

How can we use Lion's Gate this year?

One aspect of the Sun’s energy and the Lion's Gate Portal in particular is manifestation. And so, we would like you to consider using the portal's energetic boost to bathe your world in peace, harmony, and balance. Consider this meditation:

Imagine streamers of gold light from the Sun to the Earth. As they touch the Earth, some streamers transform from gold to pink, washing the Earth with the soft, warm vibration of pure love. Other streamers transform from gold to blue, bathing the Earth in peace, tranquility, and the music of the angels. The last streamers transform from gold into green, sending the promise of renewal to all parts of your Earth home. Consider holding sunstone or citrine throughout this visualization.

Alternatively, imagine joining hands with the Sun in meditation and asking the Sun to help lift your spirits. You might be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards.

Thank you. What other ways can we use the Sun and Lion's Gate for manifestation?

Here are three crystals to consider working with now:

  • Sunstone for joy. Meditate with or hold sunstone to access the sheer joy of being and experiencing. You may feel laughter bubble up through your consciousness, for sunstone is an aspect of your Sun itself.

  • Golden healer quartz for ease. Meditate with or hold golden healer quartz to bring warmth, ease, and healing to the soul and body.

  • Yellow jasper for acceptance. Meditate with or hold yellow jasper, including bumblebee or leopard skin, to experience the acceptance of self or the healing of old soul wounds. Jasper, in its connection to Earth energies, can be a gentle, yet powerful, healer.


Aug 08

Thank you again for a most informative and helpful blog!

Cindy P


Aug 06

That was an awesome explanation of the portal and the streamer meditation is a lovely visual to place energy. I’ve kept my “sunburst” Andara crystal next to my bed pillow to keep it in my aura and ask for it to keep me hopeful every night. The portal’s energy explains why I’ve been so connected to it since I got it over the other Andaras I got with it. Looking forward to 8-8 for sure!!! Fabricdreamer

The Stone Spirit
Aug 06
Replying to

That is fascinating. You will smile when I tell you that, right after I got the information in this post, I was guided to do a stone layout of andaras on all chakras and holding sunstone in my receptive hand. During that layout, the guides led me through the "streamers" meditation that's in the post, and then asked me to add it to the post. 😊


Aug 05

What a great visual to use! I love it. And I have a bumblebee Jasper that my brother gave me last year as a gift. Self acceptance is perfect for me to meditate on. This year. I have changed so much. I never fully understood the Lions Gate portal and now I do! Thank you, Alison. 🩷

The Stone Spirit
Aug 05
Replying to

Thank you, Jodi! I love bumblebee jasper. It's energy is cooperation and the path of mutual benefit. So it's a great one to work on acceptance of self. I hope you enjoy working with it.

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