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  • The Stone Spirit

On humans and the human consciousness

Have you ever wondered about the nature and purpose of the human experience and the human consciousness? If so, this post is for you.

The process of receiving these channeled transmissions is fluid and somewhat organic. Generally I have a specific question to start things off, but at times I get a surprise topic. That's the case with this post, a discourse on humans and the human consciousness, channeled from my higher self.

What is the nature of human consciousness?

Consciousness is. The human consciousness is that portion of overall consciousness focused on the human experience and all that it entails.

And what does it entail?

Physicality. Form. Experience with matter and density.

How is the human consciousness different from our souls?

The soul is part of Source and eternal. The human consciousness is part of Source and is created for soul use to grow, learn, expand, and experience. The human consciousness is a partition of Source—if you like, a division of Source—focused on matter for the purpose of experience.

Is the human consciousness sentient?

In the sense that all consciousness is sentient, yes. It is aware of itself and its structure and purpose.

So, was the human consciousness created in the same way souls are created?

Yes and no. Souls are individuated sparks of the I AM, so that the I AM can experience itself through individuality and creativity. The human consciousness is a division of the I AM created to allow souls to experience in more ways, in physicality.

Can we speak to the human consciousness? If so, what would it say?

Yes, those of sufficient awareness of their true nature can connect with the overall human consciousness.

So many of the tropes humans have devised as rules for benevolent living are in fact the human consciousness speaking to you: “Be here now.” “Love is all there is.” “Fear no evil.”

What is the relationship between the human consciousness and the human body?

The human body inhabits the human consciousness, and vice versa. The consciousness powers the body, if you will. Without the consciousness, the body would be inert.

How are the human consciousness and the soul related?

They aren’t, except in the sense that both are part of the I AM.

Can the human consciousness operate without the soul in the human body?

Yes, but why would it want to? The soul is the divine spark that gives meaning to the body’s existence. The soul is meant to inhabit the body for the purpose of expansion and understanding.

What happens when the soul leaves the body? Does the body always die?

Not always. But the body lacks direction. The body sustains life but the soul spark is absent. We will not speak more on this.

I have experienced the canine consciousness and it is infinitely kind and loving. Is the human consciousness similar?

Yes, for all is love. Love is all. Compassion, honesty, kindness, respect, fellow feeling, love, joy—all are your birthright in the I AM.

That seems so odd, because humans can be just awful to each other. What would you like us humans to know now?

You are loved; infinitely loved. Extend that love to others. Stretch into the feeling of love. It isn't about saying the words. Look, really look at a stranger and try to love that part of him or her that is divine and joining you in this endeavor to forget and then remember your divinity.

Recall that you are all here for the same reason, but you all have a unique path to walk. Feel respect for each other’s journeys. Respect that you are different; celebrate how you are the same.


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