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The Stone Spirit

The energy of quartz

The Crystal Consciousness offers a master class in quartz, including its healing properties, its importance to our Earth, and ways we can help support its work.

Quartz crystal ball

Last year I had the privilege of speaking at a conference hosted by my friend Susan Lynn. During those three days, I amused myself by asking to hold the stones some of the participants brought with them. If I can touch a stone, I can usually tell its keeper what that stone is doing for them. It's a fun party trick and one the participants enjoyed.

I held pendants, bracelets, pocket pals, display pieces—and one particularly fine clear quartz tower. As I held that tower, I felt my eyes widen. I looked at its keeper and said, "Don't ever meditate with this stone without first using a protective protocol." Her gorgeous quartz tower connects to ETs.

It's a curious fact that I don't generally work with clear quartz, and I had rarely felt such a strong response to a stone that wasn't for me. I guess it was a harbinger of things to come, because clear quartz has been whispering to me for months. I knew I was supposed to work with it, but I was content to wait for the right moment. Apparently, that was today.

The Crystal Consciousness itself came through to explain the energy of quartz, including its healing properties, its importance to our Earth, and ways we can help support its work.

What is the nature of quartz crystal?

Quartz was the first seed planted in your Earth. It is the Original Seed of all the original seeds. Quartz helps provide the structure for your reality: the crystalline properties of your body; the crystalline properties of all the elements and minerals; and the properties of every other thing in your physical reality. It is the beginning of all matter.


Quartz takes intention and translates it into physical reality. It is consciousness, crystallized. That's why it amplifies the properties of other stones. That's why it amplifies your own intentions, whatever they may be. And that's why it connects to other forms of consciousness, particularly the extraterrestrials.

Indeed, quartz itself is extraterrestrial in nature. Quartz was not created from your Earth. It is a creator of your Earth. By definition, it was brought from somewhere else.

Does quartz have any healing properties?

Humans like to say quartz is a master healer and that's true in a sense, because quartz is designed to help create balance. A balanced being is a healthy being. However, using quartz in healing must be done with intention.

Can you effect healing with quartz? Yes. But it's best to use it if you're trained to use it. It's best to use it if you understand and can curate your emotions and intentions. You must have a very clear focus on what you are trying to accomplish, and your emotions need to support that intention.

What about data storage? I am fascinated by the amount of information that can fit onto a tiny piece of quartz.

Quartz helps create your reality. By its very nature, it needs to be able to contain data. And so it is that a piece of quartz can be programmed to store information to be retrieved at a later time. It's an intrinsic feature of the way quartz works. Indeed, there are many, many pieces of quartz in your reality that have been encoded with data by the ancients. Now you humans are rediscovering this practice.

Quartz is abundant in many parts of the world. What is the role of quartz when it is in the land?

The role of quartz in the land is to balance reality. To balance physical matter so that it can exist in harmony. To fill in what needs to be filled in and to pare back what needs to be pared back. Its purpose is to understand the balance between physical reality and consciousness. And to regulate the balance between masculine and feminine energies, as you call them.

Quartz also helps to amplify the energy of the telluric field.* In areas where there is more quartz and metal, particularly magnetite, there is a stronger path of telluric current—a “ley line,” as you call it. These paths were created by the Founders, the builders of your reality, to provide a network of energy throughout the planet.

Can you talk a bit more about the ley lines?

Imagine your Earth as a house. The telluric field—the energy of the planet—is the house's foundation. The energy lines, the ley lines, are the timbers that provide the structure that holds up the house. It's important to note that, when the energy lines are disrupted, the house begins to crumble in places.

When we speak of the energy of your reality and the energy of the Earth, we of course speak of elements and plants and animals and people. But we also speak of the guiding forces, such as emotion and intention, and the reactions to those guiding forces. So, when you have a structure that's crumbling in places, you can see that it doesn't perform well. That's some of what you are experiencing in your reality today.

Oh. What happens when quartz in the land doesn’t perform well?

Let's look at the extreme: cases in which rough raw quartz is in an environment of trauma. Quartz that has come into contact with war and bloodshed, well, its energy is a little jumbled and it cannot work with the Earth at the level that is required. You might say that particular quartz has been “programmed” for bloodshed and violence.

That's one of many reasons why land holds onto trauma. The land itself has spirit and consciousness. The crystal that supports the land—the crystal's spirit, its consciousness, and its programming—influences the land for sure. And so, in many cases where there has been war and bloodshed, to a great degree you may find that war and bloodshed occurs over and over in that same place. Unfortunately, the programming of the stone, the quartz, in that area has contributed to the energetic nature of the area.

Are other factors affecting quartz in the land?

Yes. The magnetic energy of your planet is a key part of the story. Right now, the magnetic energy of your planet is on the move and the energy lines are following its movement. Remember that quartz supports the structure of the energy lines. Happily, many lightworkers are helping to adjust and maintain the energy lines of your planet.

What can we do to assist Earth's quartz in its work?

Stop fighting. Send loving, positive, constructive intentions toward the quartz in the land. Specifically direct loving intention to the quartz crystal beds so that they can fulfill their original purpose: to support your physical reality in its finest manifestation.

* Telluric currents—also called Earth currents—are naturally occurring electric currents that travel large areas near or at the Earth's surface. These extremely low frequency currents are primarily geomagnetically induced, caused by changes in the Earth's magnetic field due to solar wind interactions with the magnetosphere or solar radiation's effects on the ionosphere. Telluric currents exhibit diurnal patterns, flowing towards the Sun during the day and towards the poles at night.

7 comentários

Blair Lefemine
Blair Lefemine
14 de mai. de 2024

So interesting❤️thank you for sharing Alison 🌻❤️


13 de mai. de 2024

I love quartz.

Here in CT everything is growing like I’ve never seen. Trees, bush etc.

Do you think the earth quartz is responsible for this in some way?


13 de mai. de 2024

When I think of Quartz I think of the "Crystal skulls" and also the relationship between Quartz and Gold. Both have been somewhat problematic in human history. I won't elaborate. Thanks for your article.


13 de mai. de 2024

I have been interested in purchasing a clear quartz stone but am concerned that the seller may be selling me glass.


13 de mai. de 2024

I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and gift. 🙏

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