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The Stone Spirit

The energy of platinum

The Platinum Consciousness explains the nature of platinum, including its healing properties, ways to work with it, and a few surprising facts about its energy.

The Platinum Consciousness explains the nature of platinum,

If there's one thing I've learned about energy, it's that it feels different to everyone. Some energies feel pleasant, some are neutral, and some are downright nasty. Or, in terms of resonance, some energies create harmony, and some...don't.

As creatures of energy, I think we are all looking for harmony. We are drawn to people, places, situations, and things that are in resonance with our own energy. I wear silver because it feels good to me. Some folks prefer copper, others gold. And my friend Kim says platinum is her jam.

I've channelled on the energy of silver, copper, and gold. It feels like now is the time to explore platinum. So, with thanks to my guides and the Platinum Consciousness (and to Kim for the nudge), here is a look at the nature of platinum, including its healing properties, ways to work with it, and a few surprising facts about its energy.

Hello. What can you tell me about the nature of platinum?

Courage. Protection. Action. Service. It is the energy of the sea that sweeps all before it, even as it nourishes the land. Platinum is the king of metals on your planet. We use the word king purposefully here, as platinum is a masculine energy. Courage, protection, action, and service are all attributes of the divine masculine.

Thank you. Does platinum have any healing properties?

Like all energies on your plane of existence, there are healing properties to platinum. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, but its healing properties are more along the lines of a cauterization tool than a soothing balm. When it comes to a wound, platinum will rather strongly dissipate the energies of infection, so it's best to use the energy of platinum in conjunction with other healing energies.

Now, when we talk about its healing energy, we're not recommending that you lay platinum on a wound. We're saying that it is an energy you can work with.

What should we know about platinum?

Platinum is a multidimensional metal. It exists partly on your plane and partly on another. As a result, humans cannot understand many of its properties.

Platinum is every bit as valuable as gold. And yet, platinum's energy is not the energy of oneness, as is the energy of gold. The energy of platinum is the energy of harmony.

The word harmony is understood to mean different energies agreeing to work together. And so, platinum is quite a useful energy in your world right now. You have many different factions that are badly in need of choosing harmony, but may never feel like they are one. That energy of separation is an intrinsic part of your reality. So while gold is the expression of what humanity could be, platinum is the bridge that can help you get there.

How can we use the energy of platinum?

As we've said, platinum is an energy that creates harmony. This is, in fact, a part of its protective qualities, because harmony dissolves aggression. And so, you may work with the energy of platinum to create harmony with all things in your etheric field.

You also may work with the energy of platinum to cast protective energies around you. Platinum can help to hold back unhelpful energies, including those from other dimensions. This is an advanced skill and not one that most humans know how to put into practice.

Thank you. What's the best way to work with platinum?

Hold platinum in your hand to work with it or, if you are advanced enough to understand frequency, hold the frequency of platinum in your field and work with that.

If you don't have a piece of platinum, or don't understand the frequency of platinum, try fixing your mind on something that is silvery-white in color. For example, you might focus on the color of the sky just before dawn. Holding an image of the sky lit with silver just before dawn is an excellent way to access the frequency of platinum.

What else would you like us to know about platinum?

It's no coincidence that you're choosing to talk to us about platinum right now. This is an energy that your world needs. Many things are coming together in your reality to help humans bridge the gap. We rejoice to see it.


Aly Fitzpatrick
Aly Fitzpatrick
Mar 11, 2024

Is platinum gold the same thing or are these two different things?

The Stone Spirit
Mar 11, 2024
Replying to

Hi Aly. Platinum and gold are separate metals, of course, but a platinum-gold alloy has been developed that has interesting properties. It is apparently one of the most durable alloys available.

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