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  • The Stone Spirit

The energy of magnetite

The Magnetite Consciousness explains the nature of magnetite, including its healing properties, ways to work with it—and how it can help us recover from the energy of the solar eclipse.

The Magnetite Consciousness explains the nature of magnetite.

Yesterday I was planning to do this post on pyrite. What I got instead was a forceful image of my magnetite egg, delivered with an energetic exclamation point. Who am I to say no? Since we're in the midst of a solar eclipse and the sun's energy is electromagnetic, working with magnetite right now just makes sense.

When I sat down today to connect with magnetite, I took what my mentor, Krista Mitchell, calls a healing bath in its crystal light codes. I don't think I have ever been so surprised by a crystal's energy. The feeling was weighted, luxurious, soft. Like taking a bath in warm oil, or wrapping yourself in a thick cashmere blanket. But there was also a feeling of suspension, of being weightless within a soft gray cocoon. (Can you tell I loved it?)

So, with thanks to my guides and the Magnetite Consciousness, here is a look at the nature of magnetite, including its healing properties, ways to work with it, and how it may help you recover from the energy of the eclipse.

Hello. What can you tell me about the nature of magnetite?

Force. Attraction. Repulsion. Rest. Magnetite is a metal that contains magnetic properties. And so, those properties that you think of when you think of a magnet—that quality of attraction or repulsion—those are contained within our energetic field. When you work with us, you are held in such a way that you can rest.

Imagine an item that is stuck fast to a magnet. That item doesn't have to use its own energy to stand up. The magnet holds it, and therefore it can relax and simply be held. This is the nature of magnetite.

Thank you. What should we know about magnetite?

We are a very strong crystal. We don't mean that other crystals are not strong. We mean that the nature of our energy can overwhelm. And therefore, if you need a really strong grounding crystal, we're a great option.

But if you want to use us in conjunction with other crystals, you might want to put some thought into it, or intuitively pull those crystals that want to work together. That is because our energy can overwhelm the energy of other crystals.

You yourself have experienced this. When you tried to do a stone layout with magnetite at your feet and other crystals on your chakras, all you could feel was the energy of the magnetite. To you it felt like a dark void. Which is in fact the way our energy can feel, because magnetite will hold you in suspension.

So, when choosing crystals to pair with magnetite, choose intuitively. Your body knows what you need.

May I ask why you are speaking in the plural?

We are a plurality. You are speaking to the spirit and consciousness of magnetite overall, which is a combination of all the magnetite in the world plus the electromagnetic energy of the world. We are inextricably linked, and so we think of ourselves as an amalgamation. We are many, combined into one.

Why did you want to talk now, in the middle of a solar eclipse?

We can help you recover from the energy of the eclipse. The eclipse’s energy will likely jumble your own energy. You may want to hold magnetite during the solar eclipse, so that we can help to align the sun’s electromagnetic energy with the energy of your body.

Does magnetite have any healing properties?

Oh yes. We work with the electromagnetic energies of the body. But not in the way that copper does. Copper assists communication between cells. Magnetite directs communication between cells.

We know that's not clear to you, so let's try to unpack that a little bit. The electromagnetic energy of the body has a polarity. Magnetite helps to align the polarity of the electromagnetic energy so that it is all working in together, in concert. Magnetite can help to align your electromagnetic energy.

And how is that healing?

Communication throughout the physical body is required for healing. Communication throughout your energetic field is required for healing. When your energy is a chaotic jumbled mess, that's not very healing.

When the energy within your physical body and your physical body’s communication with your energetic field are aligned and purposeful, it is easier for you to draw in the healing energies that you require.

That is very interesting. Does magnetite need to be cleared?

Oh yes. Just like any other metal or crystal, with the exception of a few, you will need to clear the energy of your magnetite. Clear us on a regular basis, just as you do your crystals.

Some people have an effect on electrical items, such as watches, computers, and light bulbs. Can magnetite help there?

No. Magnetite might even make the effect worse. Such people are better off working with a dampening stone like red jasper.

Does magnetite have any special properties?

Yes, but your human collective is not yet ready to know about these. There are those to whom we have given information. But this is not information that should fall into the hands of the unscrupulous.

What is the best way to work with magnetite?

Lay it on the body. Meditate with it. We loved what you did earlier, when you opened yourself to our energy and took what you call a healing bath. That allowed our energy to envelop you and hold you. Allowing yourself to be held within us is a wonderful way of working with our energy.

4 opmerkingen

08 apr.

I love that magnetite is not flashy but rather earthy (or almost other worldly in an intergalactic way?) looking. Unassuming but holding things together and holding the holder to let them rest. With qualities like that, who of us doesn’t need a magnetite bath?!?! It’s always been one I am drawn to. Many thanks!! And thanks for turning me on to Krista. Been enjoying watching her channel crystalline consciousness on her Instagram. Again, thank you.


07 apr.

I made a bracelet with magnetite and tigers eye.

I thought tigers eye would be fussier with other stones.

Do they go together and what other stone goes with the magnetite?

Thanks for this reading, I’m loving every minute of this.

The Stone Spirit
08 apr.
Reageren op

The best way to combine stones is to use your intuition. If your tiger's eye and magnetite feel comfortable to you as a combination, trust that. I have put stones on chakras that the literature says don't belong there, but your body knows what it needs.


07 apr.

No way! I was thinking about you 3 hours ago when I was wondering what stone to sit with!!! And here you are! Thank you Alison and Magnetite!

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