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  • The Stone Spirit

Manifest positive change with the color yellow

Want to make a difference in the world, connect to archangels, or simply lighten your mood? Start with the color yellow. Sunstone and my teacher Ra-Sha explain the essential nature and meaning of the color yellow, and show ways to use it.

Manifest positive change with the color yellow

The first time sunstone asked to provide messages for a client, it connected us to Haniel, the angel of joy. I still remember the belly laughs we shared, just experiencing Haniel's energy.

So when sunstone decided to partner with my teacher Ra-Sha to explain how the color yellow works in our reality, I knew this would be a pleasant channel. I needed that, because the energy of the past few weeks has been so heavy, the last thing I wanted to do was work. And as you can see, sunstone managed to turn my frown upside down.

The yellow ray lightens our mood, connects us with archangels, and helps us work together to build a brighter future. So if you want to manifest positive change, or just feel better about the world, start with yellow. You'll be glad—quite literally—that you did.

Hello! What can you tell me about the yellow ray?

Yellow and all its variations are among the happiest colors in the rainbow. And for good reason. Yellow is the embodiment of the Great Central Sun. It is hope, optimism, joy, laughter. It is the expression of family and the love of your fellow humans. The yellow ray is warmth, nurturing, action (especially where action is for the good of the collective), the release of tension, the welcoming of new energies. Yellow holds the promise of dawn.

When seen through the eyes, yellow and its variations bring awareness to the need for action and help bring about those actions that are required.

Yellow also is the finest expression of pleasure in creation, and pleasure in co-creation. For joining others in the act of creation—whether it be music, the written word, or new solutions to old problems—is a beautiful expression of the oneness and harmony of souls. So yellow too, like blue, can help souls to feel connected by joining them in sacred endeavor.

Well, that's profound. How can we work with yellow to improve our lives?

Yellow is a signal vibration of your archangels. Therefore, visualizing golden light is an appropriate way to attune to archangelic frequencies.

If you're feeling sad, visualizing a field of daisies will help to lift your mood. Look at pictures that prominently feature the color yellow, or wear yellow and orange next to your skin.

Meditating on yellow, orange, and all the variations in between can help you understand what actions are needed at that moment. Contemplate a yellow flower, picture the light of the sun, or simply see the color in your mind’s eye, then pay attention to the thoughts, feelings and images that develop.

Can you provide an example?

Yes. When you want to work in harmony with your fellow humans toward a common goal, yellow will support that energy. In this case, you might begin your meetings with a short meditation that includes the color yellow—picturing the light of the sun or that field of daisies, for example. You could also paint the room in shades of yellow, or merely have a bowl of yellow flowers on the table. The yellow ray is a powerful expression of optimism and harmonious action.

Sunstone, leopard skin jasper, golden healer quartz, and citrine nestle in a bluebirds nest
Crystals of the yellow ray. Clockwise from left: golden healer quartz, citrine, leopard skin jasper, and sunstone
What about working with crystals of the yellow ray?

As you know, crystals are a wonderful way to work with color. You are holding a sunstone now, and the vibration of that stone is contributing to the information we are providing. Here are some examples:

  • Meditate with or hold sunstone to access the sheer joy of being and experiencing. You may feel laughter bubble up through your consciousness, for sunstone is an aspect of your sun itself.

  • Meditate with or hold golden healer quartz to bring warmth, ease, healing, and joy to the soul and body.

  • Meditate with or hold yellow jasper, including bumblebee or leopard skin, to experience joy in and the acceptance of self or the healing of old soul wounds. Jasper, in its connection to Earth energies, can be a gentle, yet powerful, healer.

These are only a few of the yellow and orange crystals that you might consider working with. Explore the rich variety of yellow crystals to find the exact dimension you wish to access. For guidance on how to choose a crystal using your intuition, explore the information we previously provided on the blue ray.

We want to draw your attention to the power of the yellow ray at work. You have been feeling depressed for several days. Now, after simply holding sunstone and contemplating yellow for a few minutes, you are happier. Can you feel it?

Yes, I am delighted to say that I can. One of the most useful yellow crystals is citrine. Can we use citrine to help manifest positive changes in our world?

Any discussion of yellow crystals should include citrine. You already know that citrine is a signal manifestation crystal. Citrine affects the solar plexus, which is the seat of the will. The energy of citrine is a kick in the pants, the starting gun for a race.

Some call citrine a money crystal, but you guessed it: What citrine as a consciousness really wants is to drive progress in the collective. In other words, the Citrine Consciousness wants to help people manifest a healthy state of being.

Therefore, if you want to work toward positive change in your world, you might consider a crystal grid that includes a healthy dose of citrine, coupled with jade, rose quartz, and sodalite. Consider using the vesica piscis as the foundation for your grid, and make sure your intention for the grid is clear.

Thank you. And does the color yellow also have physical healing properties?

Well, yes, of course. All colors have physical healing properties. Yellow is the vibration of healthy human tissue, so yellow light can help to maintain healthy organs, muscles, bones, and skin. Why do you think an orange, which is stuffed full of vitamin C, is orange? The color of a food is often a clue to the benefits it brings.

What else should we know about the color yellow?

Because yellow sparks action, be judicious about using it for that purpose. After all, you want to spark actions that are in harmony with the highest good of all. As always, curate your intentions so that yellow can support positive change.


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