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  • The Stone Spirit

Connect to your spiritual guidance with the color violet

The violet ray connects you to the divine, to your guides, and to the celestial and spirit realms. Amethyst, Super-7, and my guides explain the nature and meaning of the color violet, and offer four crystals that can help you work with it.

Connect to your spiritual guidance with the color violet

Well, here we are at the last channel in our color series: the color violet. Three of my working stones are of the violet ray, so I was interested to hear what Spirit had to say about it. But that doesn't mean this was an easy channel. It felt sluggish and I ended up channelling it twice, from two different stones and two different guides, to make sure I got the information as precisely as possible.

There might be a lesson in that, because I don't think there is any version of me that likes the color violet. The lesson is this: When we have personal feelings about a subject, viewing it accurately means working twice as hard to remove our egos from the equation.

Turns out, this is a very violet ray kind of lesson. Amethyst, Super-7, and my guides Ra-Sha and Christopher explain how to get the most from the violet ray, and suggest four crystals that can help you get started.

What is the nature of the color violet?

The essential nature of the violet ray is kindness, connection, spiritual love, divine light, and peace. It is the ability to walk through the world but not be of the world. It is the connection to the divine, such that all is compassion, all is love, all is understanding, and all are one.

Violet opens the heart and mind and allows us to see the divine in each other. It brings us to a sense of our divinity, while giving us compassion for our humanity. To bathe in the violet ray is to know the love and peace of God.

The violet ray expresses the nature of God, embodies the nature of Spirit, and enfolds the physical body into the etheric body. It helps humans feel at one with creation, connect to their divine selves, and access spiritual guidance that is for the highest good of all.

What is the most important thing for humans to understand about working with the violet ray?

Now, that is a very good question. Anyone can access the violet ray. Not everyone can use it. The violet ray is only fully available to those who have a vibration that matches it. In other words, you have to be sufficiently clear of shadow and ego to really work with the violet ray in its fullest capacity.

That does not mean you can't work with violet in some capacity at any time. You can use it for health, for peace, for connecting to spiritual guidance. But to use it in the more esoteric sense—to travel safely in your astral body; to understand the teachings of Spirit; to truly comprehend Source; and to view things from, shall we say, a higher perspective—you have to shed your ego and base emotions such as anger and resentment.

Amethyst: a crystal of the violet ray.
Amethyst: a crystal of the violet ray.
How would you suggest that we use the color violet and its variations to improve our lives?

First and foremost, violet connects you to the divine, so using the color violet in meditation can help you to connect to your guides and to the celestial and spirit realms. You can use the violet ray to travel among realms and to connect with beings who are in spirit. Because violet is a high-vibration color, information imparted during these travels will tend to be for your highest good.

Certain aspects of violet, such as lavender, channel the peaceful aspect of the violet ray, meaning they can help to spread peace throughout your being. Just as blue helps you to be calm, lavender can promote ease within self. A wonderful example of this is the lavender plant, whose fragrance and flower buds help to ease headaches, promote restful sleep, and calm anxiety.

Violet and pink combined connect the heart and the mind. Violet paired with green promotes deep spiritual and psychological healing.

How might we use crystals of the violet ray?

You can use crystals of the violet ray to heal the psyche, calm the mind, feel divine love, and connect to the spiritual realm.

  • Lepidolite, one of your favorite stones, supports calm, restful sleep, and offers a respite from depression.

  • Amethyst calms, heals, energizes, and protects. Amethyst helps the individual attain peace and tranquility, so it is an excellent crystal for anxiety. Amethyst can also help you connect to Spirit and know yourself as both a physical and spiritual being. Because amethyst is a highly beneficial, loving stone, you can use it for many workings. Consider meditating with it or using it in grids focused on the peaceful attainment of goals.

  • Ametrine (a blend of citrine and amethyst) can support spiritual growth and help manifest ventures that are consistent with divine goals. That is to say, ametrine supports goals that have at their core service, love, and compassion.

  • Super 7 (a blend of amethyst and other crystals and minerals) creates a high-vibration connection to the spirit realm, such that the individual can access guidance that is more pure, more direct. Of course, that depends on the individual’s vibration and intention, but essentially Super 7 “supersizes” spiritual connection.

Does the violet ray have any healing properties?

Violet has the potential to help heal trauma to blood vessels and disorders of the blood itself. The violet ray also can help support healthy brain tissue and address brain dysfunction.

What else should we know about the violet ray?

Your own vibration profoundly affects the capacity of violet to work with your body. In other words, if you have a low vibration, the violet ray will not be effective. The higher your vibration, the more the violet ray can assist you.


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