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  • The Stone Spirit

Find compassion and unity with the color red

If you hope to connect with loved ones, want the courage to take action, or need to silence that voice of doubt in your head, reach for red. Mookaite jasper explains the nature and meaning of the color red, and how to use it to improve your life.

Find compassion and unity with the color red.

Quick, imagine a Valentine's Day card. What color is it? Chances are, you said red or pink. That's how deeply the loving aspect of red is ingrained in our psyches. But like most things of the natural world, red has many dimensions.

The red ray ranges from burgundy through orange to pink, and each variation of the color carries a unique frequency that aligns with different actions, concepts, and states of being. My guides Christopher and Ra-Sha, joined by the Mookaite Jasper Consciousness, give an overview of the color red and offer suggestions for putting it to work in your life.

What is the essential nature of the color red?

Heat. Warmth. Love. Compassion. Togetherness. The red ray is a mother's love, the bond between brothers, the heartbeat of the Earth. There's a reason hearts are red, Valentines are red, and red roses signify love. Red embodies the nature of sensual as well as spiritual love.


But the red ray also incorporates all of the things that make your bodies tick. Red is deeply connected to Gaia, because the human body is an extension of Gaia.


The mookaite jasper that you are holding right now channels Gaia herself, as you know. That wouldn't be possible with a different stone. The vibration of that shade of dark blood red is tenderness and compassion. Other colors of red, such as orange, have a slightly different vibration. Bright orange is fire, action, even aggression.

It's interesting that you say aggression. I forget that we embody all aspects light and dark. Can you speak to the qualities of light and dark with respect to the color rays?

Yes, it has been a challenging lesson for you to learn, that you are both light and dark and there is no judgment attached to either. You're getting there.


The purpose of dark is to allow you to see yourself from a different perspective. You must have another perspective in order to view yourself. That's simply what's required. That is the nature of your world of duality. So, the color rays, just like the human consciousness, embody the aspects of both light and dark.


Aggression is not necessarily dark. Depending on its nature, aggression for the purpose of justice can be a lighted activity. We know it's hard for your world to comprehend, because you are striving toward the light always, but dark is necessary. The important goal should be balance: balance between light and dark, balance between what you call “good” and what you call “evil,” although there is no such thing in Spirit.

How can we use the red ray to improve our lives?
  • When you want to connect with your loved ones, picture them and picture the color red. In this case, a dark burgundy red would be a good choice.

  • When you want to take action, and perhaps are a little intimidated by the action that you are considering, meditating on orange and red-orange may help to put some starch in your spine. The vibration of those colors is fearlessness, action on behalf of another, and the courage to stand your ground.

  • Pink, on the other hand, can help boost self-worth and increase feelings of tenderness and compassion. So, when you want to send love to a person or a situation, you could do worse than send them the color pink. When you are feeling down on yourself, envision yourself in a pink bubble, or place a pink stone such as rose quartz on your heart chakra.

Crystals of the red ray. Clockwise from left: fire agate, sardonyx, carnelian, mookaite jasper, rose quartz, ocean jasper, plume agate, and petrified wood
Crystals of the red ray. Clockwise from left: fire agate, sardonyx, carnelian, mookaite jasper, rose quartz, ocean jasper, plume agate, and petrified wood

My favorite subject. What other ways can we use red crystals for our benefit?

Well, naturally, you can't imagine that we would discuss crystals without giving you a few pointers for using them with your body. In this example we are specifically concerned with the placing of crystals on the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the heart chakra.

  • A dark red crystal such as red jasper on your root chakra can help to ground you to Gaia, which is simply a way to ensure that you are connected to the battery that is Earth. The laying on of this crystal can be done in meditation, or you might simply take a nap with it.

  • A pink crystal such as rose quartz, rhodonite, and rhodochrosite on your heart chakra can help to build feelings of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-love. Each of these crystals will open your heart chakra to love, but each has a slightly different flavor to its vibration. Rose quartz is a generalist, good for practically any situation. Rhodochrosite helps to dispel feelings of self-doubt and increase feelings of self-worth. Rhodonite can help you feel more tenderness and compassion for other humans. You can sit with these, meditate with them, or wear them.

  • An orange crystal such as carnelian, fire agate, or sardonyx on your sacral chakra can help you access feelings of joy and ground you in your senses. These crystals can take you toward what gives you pleasure, and for that reason they are excellent at helping you to follow your path. Because your path will always include joy.

As always, we are speaking in generalities because crystals are multidimensional. You can start with these ideas and explore others on your own.

How can we use crystals of the red ray in crystal grids?
  • We remind you of what you yourself are considering: gridding your home with rose quartz. Laying rose quartz at corners and key points along your home’s boundary can help to support a peaceful and loving atmosphere inside the home. So that's a good one to explore.

  • You could send healing energy to the Earth using a grid of mookaite jasper, amazonite, aventurine, citrine, and serpentine. Such a grid would send light, love, and healing to the flora and fauna that inhabit Gaia. Consider the seed of life or flower of life for your foundation here.

  • To manifest joy in your life, consider a grid of fire agate, citrine, selenite, and white opal. The Fibonacci spiral would be a good foundation for this grid, as would the seed of life.

Again, the ways that you can use grids are only limited by your imagination. If you're interested in crystal grids, there are many resources to learn about them. Have fun exploring.

Is there anything else we should know about red?

Another characteristic of red is physical healing where warmth is needed, for example, muscle pain, soft tissue injuries, and the like. Many practitioners already know about the healing benefits of red on the body, and you often see red in the lasers that they use to treat certain injuries.


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