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  • The Stone Spirit

Heal whatever ails you with the color green

If you've got a physical, emotional, or spiritual boo-boo, make green your go-to. A universally helpful color, green can find a way to benefit you no matter how you choose to use it. Chrysoprase and my guides weigh in on the nature and meaning of the color green, and show ways to use it to heal whatever ails you.

Heal whatever ails you with the color green

I adore chrysoprase. The color, the feel of its vibration, the wisdom and kindness of the spirits I encounter in working with different stones—it's all good. So I was pretty happy when chrysoprase asked to help provide information on meaning of the color green.

The surprise was that nearly every one of my guides asked to help, too. I should have expected it. Christopher is a shaman; Eloice excels in herbal and stone remedies; Charlie chimes in with sacred geometry whenever we ask for healing modalities; and Ra-Sha wants to help humans work with the energies of our world.

Turns out, the green ray is almost universally beneficial. If you're hurting physically, spiritually, or emotionally, make green your go-to. Chrysoprase and my guides explain the energy of green and offer ways to put it to work in your life.

What is the essential nature of the color green?

The energy of green is transformation, health, abundance, new growth, and an open heart. The green ray attracts, heals, makes new. It is the promise of spring, the chirping of a baby bird. A chameleon that can fit itself around other vibrations to boost and enhance them, the green ray promises the renewal of all things. It is hope, optimism, life after death, and transformation. Green tears down in order to build up, for the betterment of the organism.

What do you mean when you say that the green ray can enhance other vibrations?

We mean that you can pair green with other colors and elements in order to build healthy states of being. We don't just mean human physical, emotional, or mental health, but states of being that contribute to the overall wellbeing of consciousness. Green adds the vibration of renewal, of growth and health, to any intention or endeavor.

Can you give me an example?

Green paired with red can boost vitality and joy. Green paired with blue can nurture a calm mind, untroubled by shadow. Green paired with yellow makes manifesting physical abundance easier.

Let's talk about the transformative aspect of green.

As we say, green is the vibration of renewal, which implies a change of some sort. If you are in a state of disarray, a dose of green will help to stabilize and align your energy, since it supports a healthier aspect. Of course, we are speaking in very broad terms here.

This is a lot to take in. How would you suggest we work with green to improve our lives?

Meditating on the color green can invite the vibration of transformation for the benefit of the organism. In other words, depending on your intention, meditating on the color green can help you to heal.


Wearing the color green next to your skin can help to jump-start healing of the physical body. When you place an herb on your body for the purpose of healing, the color of that plant carries the vibration of healing. So, the color works with the medicinal properties of the plant, even though you are not aware of it.


Work with green crystals to heal your heart space, meaning your relationship to self and others. Some beautiful energies for the heart can be found in malachite, chrysoprase, jade, and aventurine.

Apophyllite, chrysoprase, tsavorite, malachite, jade, and aventurine
Crystals of the green ray. From left to right: apophyllite, chrysoprase, tsavorite, malachite, jade, and aventurine.
Chrysoprase is helping me with this channel. Can you tell me more about its properties?

Ah yes, one of your favorite stones. Chrysoprase is courage and strength of purpose. Chrysoprase is ancient wisdom for practical solutions. Chrysoprase is elevation of the self, such that the self can see itself in relation to others more clearly. By that we mean the vibration of chrysoprase can help nurture that feeling of being in harmony with others.

What about the energy and vibration of malachite?

You are thinking about your friend who finds malachite to be of too strong a vibration. And that is true, malachite is a powerful heart healer. That power can sometimes bring up emotions, thoughts, or shadow that the individual is not yet ready to deal with. While chrysoprase is a stone that welcomes almost all vibrations of the self, malachite can sometimes feel like a sledgehammer.

So, it's a good idea to take it slow with powerful green stones like malachite and moldavite. Not all souls will be affected to the same degree. Pay attention to the response of your body to understand how much time you can give yourself with a powerful crystal’s vibration.

If we want to send ourselves healing energy, how would we go about that using the color green?

In addition to the suggestions we have already given, the laying on of green crystals over your heart chakra is a good place to start for spiritual healing.


To send an intention of healing to a specific situation, consider a crystal grid of green jade, rhodonite, orange calcite, and white or green apophyllite. Such a grid could be placed on the flower of life, the vesica piscis, or a Fibonacci spiral. Use your intuition to choose a foundation that resonates with your intention.

What else should we know about the color green?

The color green is almost universally helpful. Meaning, you don't need to get too concerned about your intention when you are working with the color. It carries so much healthful energy within its vibration that it is almost self-directing. So work with it as much as you like. You will almost always benefit in some way.


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