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Develop your psychic ability with the color blue

Want to develop your psychic ability, learn to be in flow, or even soothe a rash? My guides Ra-Sha and Christopher discuss the nature and meaning of the color blue—and how you can use it to improve your life.

Develop your psychic ability with the color blue

Who knew that the color blue could help you develop your psychic ability, feel at one with others, or even help heal a rash? Yes, the color blue is beautiful to behold, but according to my teachers Ra-Sha and Christopher, the vibration of blue also has many benefits.

Here's a look at the nature and meaning of the color blue—and ways we can tap into it to help improve our lives.

Hi there! Let's talk about the color blue.

Ah, blue. Your favorite color, or one of them, anyway. And ours as well. The first thing we'd like you to know is that there are different ways to experience color in your reality. One way to experience the vibration of color is through contact with your skin, either through fabric and the like, or through light, as in blue light shining on your skin.

Another way to experience the vibration of color is to look at it. The retinas of your eyes take in the vibration and deliver that information to the rest of your system: your brain, heart, nervous system, chakras, and organs, including your pineal gland. And that vibration affects those parts of your body.

So, looking at a color can be just as powerful as touching the color or sitting in light of that color.

What is the essential nature of the color blue?

The vibration of the blue ray is calm, communication, water, peace. It is also what you call psychic growth. The vibration of blue, seen through the eyes, connects souls, links them, helps them feel oneness. It also stimulates mental processes, stimulates the pineal gland, and helps to nurture psychic growth.

Allowing yourself to experience the color blue mentally or physically can bring you many benefits. You are only limited by your imagination as to how you consciously work with it.

How would we use the color blue for psychic development?

If you want to develop your psychic ability, one way to do that is to look at the color blue, either with your physical eyes or in meditation with your third eye.

You could, for example, meditate upon a painting that has many colors of blue in it. By this we mean sitting in quiet, contemplating the colors of blue in the painting. This would be what you would term a mindfulness meditation, in which you notice all the shades and variations of the color blue that you see before you. This is one way of meditating with color.

Another way is to picture a column of blue light from the heavens beaming down through the crown of your head and through all your chakras. Both of these meditations would be excellent ways to begin developing and supporting your psychic growth.

How can working with the water dimension of blue help us?

You can use it to improve your ability to be in flow. By flow, we mean that state of being that is allowing, not resisting, the elements in our path. Being in flow is, we think, the secret to moving forward in your reality with ease.

You can bring the qualities of water into your consciousness by visualizing blue water. You can meditate upon a photograph of blue water, or picture a serene Caribbean beach in your mind’s eye. This meditation can bring both the vibrations of blue and the vibrations of water to you, which will begin to entrain the water in your body to the vibration of being in flow.

And how would we work with its calming characteristics?

If peace is the dimension of blue that you want to work with, then an excellent way to do that is to wear it next to your skin, or to wrap yourself in a blue scarf or shawl. The vibration of blue on your nerve endings sets up a sympathetic vibration throughout your body and helps to calm anxiety or nervousness.

What other ways can we work with the color blue?

Crystals are a wonderful partner because crystals automatically contain the vibrations of their color. We know that you have recognized that crystals are multidimensional, just like color.

Say, for example, that you are not comfortable visualizing the ocean or meditating upon a painting. In this case, you could introduce blue crystals into your environment. You might wear them, as in a bracelet or necklace, or hold them in meditation, or put them on your desk and look at them.

Any of those methods are valid ways of working with color. And they have the added benefit of bringing you the characteristics of the crystal as well as its color. By this we mean different crystals have different characteristics, vibrations, or states of being. When you are working with crystals, you can fine-tune the dimension of blue that you are seeking.

Can you give an example of using crystals to fine-tune the dimension of blue you want to work with?

Lapis lazuli is quite different from blue chalcedony, for example. Both are blue. Both carry the qualities of communication in and communication out.

But lapis lazuli is more attuned to the psychic realm and to psychic development and connection, whereas blue chalcedony is more attuned to communicating with calm strength and spreading peace and ease throughout your body's nerve endings. This is an oversimplification of the dimensions of these two stones, but you get the idea.

If we have a specific purpose in mind, how do we go about choosing the exact stone to work with?

The answer is you must use your intuition. Surprise! You didn't think we were going to get too far into this without bringing up intuition, did you?

The information that you take in from the energy field is attuned to your intention. So, if you have a specific intention, you can allow your intuition to choose the stone that matches it.

Choosing your stone is nothing more than listening to the subtle cues that your body gives you. That is one reason meditation is so very important to developing your intuition. Because it is only when your mind is quiet that you can pay attention to those cues, which can be very subtle indeed.

Can you give an example of choosing a crystal?

Let's say you want to meditate on the properties of water so that you can learn to be more in flow. You research the qualities and characteristics of blue crystals, and feel that larimar is the stone for you. Then, you go to the crystal store and are confronted with 15 different pieces of larimar.

The way to choose one is to pick the very first stone that draws your attention. Because your subconscious is telling you which stone is the right match for you.

But what happens if you miss that first subtle ping on your awareness and you are drawn to more than one stone? In this case you can hold two stones, one in each palm, and determine which one feels more “right.” The right stone for you will set up a resonance in your body.

Does blue have any healing qualities?

Oh yes. Blue light is known to heal minor skin irritations. It is known to calm the nerve endings, as we have seen. It is also mildly antiseptic and mildly anesthetic. We're not saying that you can cure a major gash with blue light. But blue light used over time on, say, a skin rash or acne can help heal that condition. As always, intention is everything.

Over time the human consciousness may manifest the ability to heal with color. That ability is certainly within your capability, but it has not yet manifested in your consciousness.

Is there anything else that we should know about working with the color blue?

We would say that blue is the safest color to begin working with mindfully. Its qualities are almost universally angelic. That's why many people see angels wearing blue robes.

We hope you will take the time to contemplate the color blue so that you may better understand its characteristics. And we hope that you will put its characteristics to work in your own life.


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