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  • The Stone Spirit

Why you should pay attention to crop circles

Did you know that crop circles are a tool you can use to raise your vibration? You read that right. Each crop circle contains an energetic message that can help you progress spiritually. Here's why, and how we can work with them.

Earth is embarked on a project for the ages: Raising the vibration of the human collective. You may already know that crystals are one tool available for this purpose. But did you know that crop circles are another? The star brothers and sisters who have walked this path before us are using energy to create messages intended to help humans heal and progress.

As it turns out, crop circles contain an energetic message that can raise your frequency. In other words, they're a hack—and one that can help you, and the Earth as a whole, right now. In partnership with the Apophyllite Consciousness, my guides Charlie, Christopher, and Ra-Sha explain.

Hello everyone. I gather you want to talk about crop circles.

Yes, crop circles are an excellent phenomenon to discuss. It IS a phenomenon and one that is generally extra-dimensional in origin. Several types of beings are creating them. And yes, they hold messages for you all, for all of humanity.

Why is it important for us to think about crop circles now?

Because our goal is to help humans understand the energies affecting their reality, and how to work with them to their benefit. Crop circles have important information that can help humans advance, if they understand how to work with them. This is a tool that you can use to increase your vibration. We will show you how.

Okay, so what exactly are crop circles?

Crop circles are signs in the earth that are formed by pulsing energy moving along the surface of the earth. Crop circles are using patterns in fields to communicate.


You won't understand the way the energy works, but we can tell you that beings that are outside of your dimension are directing energy to lay down patterns in the vegetation on the ground. These beings are of a higher vibration. They are creating these messages to help humans progress spiritually. They're doing this as a service to humanity and to grow their own souls, because service is growth, service is ascension.

There are messages in the energy as well as in the pattern. So, a crop circle is a complete, multidimensional message. If you are in the crop circle after it has been created, you can feel the energy of the message. Or, if you look at the crop circle after it is created, you can understand the message because of the symbol.

What do crop circles have to say to us?

Some of them have been decodable to your conscious mind and their messages have been designed to provide help and instruction.


Others are purely symbolic and the geometry of these speaks to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the one that deals in symbol and allegory, so it can easily decode the messages that are coming in the crop circles. The meanings may not come into your conscious mind, but you do understand them at a deep level.

The messages are always designed to help you learn about yourself and your role and relationship to the rest of creation. They show you different aspects of manifestation in your world, different aspects of creation throughout the universe, and different aspects of spiritual development.


Many are designed to provide a bit of a jump-start for the spiritual development of your species. Meaning, those who look at the symbol, or better yet, stand where the symbol was created, can experience an energetic “charge.” That charge can help with growth, healing, and connection.


Each individual who views a crop circle may well resonate to a different aspect of the symbolism. Because crop circles, like many things in our universe, are multidimensional, the meanings are multidimensional. So, they can speak to you of different things, depending on your need.

How should we work with a crop circle?

Consider choosing one crop circle that catches your interest in some indefinable way.

  • Look at the image or hold the image in your mind and meditate upon it.

  • Ask nothing of the image; ask nothing of yourself. Simply contemplate the shape and the image.

  • You might trace it in your mind; walk the path of the image; or imagine yourself creating the image with an energetic wand. Any of these forms of contemplation would be useful.

  • The symbolism and energy contained within the shape will speak to your subconscious mind, and then whatever healing or growth you need will be given a bit of a boost.

Why do crop circles seem to show up mainly in areas that have megalithic structures?

Because the energy of the ground is conducive. Stone circles and megalithic structures tend to be built at the crossroads of ley lines—these are great channels of energy that run along the surface of the earth. These ley lines can be thought of something like nerve pathways, and where they meet is called a “nexus,” which is really just a term for a focus of energy. Magnetic energy, yes, but magnetic energy also includes other types of energy that you have no tools to measure yet. So, along these areas this energy can be used or manipulated in some way to help feed, inform, and create crop circles.

What else would you like us to know about crop circles?

Accept that crop circles, in most cases, are real. There are a few that are being created as hoaxes or as marketing ploys, but for the most part, crop circles are a phenomenon and one that we want you to pay attention to. Symbols are the language of the subconscious. When you gaze upon a symbol, your subconscious will automatically recognize it. And your subconscious will integrate the message into your programming.


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