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  • The Stone Spirit

Access your higher, past, or future self with the octahedron

The octahedron belongs to a family of sacred geometric shapes called the Platonic Solids. My guide Charlie offers insight into the benefits and uses of this shape.

The octahedron is one of the Platonic Solids, a series of geometric figures that each look the same, no matter which way you view them. Composed of eight identical triangular faces, the octahedron looks like two pyramids joined together at the base. It is a symbol of harmony and balance. And some say it can help to increase spiritual awareness.

Having dreamed about and meditated on the octahedron, I was already aware of the heightened buzz of energy it creates. What I didn't know was why. My guide Charlie helps explain how the octahedron affects our reality.

Can you explain the nature of the shape we call the octahedron?

The octahedron unites past and present, dark and light. It is a bridge, a connector, between two states of being.

It is also inherently stable, a very strong shape to build with. So the octahedron is desirable for building, but the geometry of the shape brings in certain energies. Therefore, it is best used for specific types of constructions.

What energies? Which constructions?

The octahedron is conducive to preservative, health-producing energies. That is, energies that are nurturing, growth-producing, supportive of a healthy system. For this reason, it is useful for devices or buildings that are intended to create a nurturing environment for crops and people.

In addition, the octahedron shape nurtures psychic/intuitive awareness. It is supportive of connecting the mind to other realms or states of being. Thus, this shape is well suited to temples of thought and healing.

Finally, it also helps bring in energies that can direct or control certain modes of transport. As a result, it can be used for propulsion devices.

The octahedron shape can do all this?

Yes, depending on the intents, materials, and uses of the structure.

What happens when we meditate upon this shape?

Meditating on this shape calls in those self-same energies. Depending on your vibration and intent, it connects you to energies, beings, or consciousnesses for the purpose of growth and expansion. For example, you might use it to access the wisdom of your higher, past, or future selves.

How should we meditate with the octahedron?

You may imagine yourself within the shape, with the top of the shape extending up above the crown of your head, and the bottom extending down below your feet.

Alternatively, you might visualize an octahedron encompassing your heart and solar plexus chakras. Or imagine an octahedron above the crown of your head.

An octahedron is made up of 8 triangles, giving it 12 edges and 6 vertices. What is the significance of of the 8, 3, 12 and 6 contained in this figure?

8 is strength. 8 is the interchange of energies from one state of being to another, forming an infinite loop. In that sense, 8 expresses balance, giving back, and continuous manifestation.

3 is the number of creativity, sharing, and ideas. Combine it with 8 and you get the infinite flow of creativity from one state to another.

As an angelic number, 12 calls in the energies of service. Because it contains the energies of 1, 2 and 3, it is also an expression of new beginnings (1), balance (2), and creativity (3).

Finally 6, is empathy and partnership.

With these energies contained within it, the octahedron is a perfect tool for a balanced, infinite loop of creation and service.

Is there anything special we should know about working with the octahedron?

It is very powerful, and thus sacred. All powerful tools have the potential for misuse. Therefore, use it wisely, with positive intent.



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