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  • The Stone Spirit

Transcend dimensions with Metatron's cube

Ra-Sha, my guide Charlie, and the Apophyllite Consciousness give an introduction to working with Metatron's cube—and why you might want to be careful if you do.

Does it take an Arcturian to penetrate the mysteries of Metatron's cube? Maybe not, but I definitely needed help and the Arcturians sailed to the rescue. That's what my new teacher, Ra-Sha, tell me they are: an Arcturian group consciousness with a particular interest in helping humanity understand how to get the most from our physical reality.

I waited until the last post on sacred geometry to tackle Metratron's cube. It isn't just the most fiendishly complex figure; it's also the most difficult to get a handle on. Some say it's nothing more than the understanding that all is one. Be that as it may, it took me several tries to understand what Ra-Sha, my guide Charlie, and the Apophyllite Consciousness were trying to get across. And I have a feeling that we are just scratching the surface.

So, here's an introduction to working with Metatron's cube—and why you might want to be careful if you do.

What is the nature of Metatron’s cube? Is it related to the Platonic Solid cube?

The cube is the foundation. Metatron’s cube adds more points of contact. You would say more triangles, more angles. In the three-dimensional form, it is essentially a merkaba and a cube. The triangular shapes that you find in Metatron’s cube allow the mind to soar.

Is there any significance to the fact that every Platonic Solid can be found within Metatron’s cube?

Of course! There is significance to everything in your reality. Metatron’s cube is the 12th dimensional expression of energy, spirituality, and physicality. It is all seeing, all doing, all experiencing, all knowing.


So you see, Metatron’s cube is the most powerful expression of reality that we have. With Metatron’s cube you can do pretty much anything you'd like to do. Meditate picturing yourself inside Metatron’s cube, and you can travel in any direction, in any dimension.


You can think of Metatron’s cube, the construct, as a spaceship. You can enter the spaceship in your mind and it will take you wherever you wish to go. We would like to stipulate one thing, however: You must be absolutely clear on where you want to go. Metatron’s cube can connect you to every dimension. It is in effect a universal key. So just make sure you know which door you want to open. [laughter]

So picturing yourself in Metatron’s cube during meditation supports astral travel?

Yes, that's exactly right. Adepts have been using Metatron’s cube (which in its simplest form is called a merkaba) for millennia.

All spiritually curious people can use the merkaba in meditation. However, you do have to know how to use it. In this universe like attracts like, so the merkaba can only take you to places that your vibration matches. If you say you want to go to Kansas and your vibration matches New York, where do you think you're going to end up? [laughter]


That's why we say to be careful when you use it. You must be absolutely sure that you know where you want to go. The missing element, as you have figured out, is the vibration. In effect, the best way to drive a merkaba is to put high-octane vibration in the tank. [laughter].

What’s your advice to those who are new to metaphysical journeying?

Well, it's not for the faint of heart. Adepts struggle with it, and so those who are new to meditation and journeying would not be advised to work with Metatron’s cube. We would suggest that you start with one of the simpler shapes. The icosahedron that we have discussed is an excellent tool to help you travel through your celestial realm.


Generally, the icosahedron will keep you in your own dimension. And that's a great place to start. There's no need to be traveling outside of your dimension until you have mastered your internal response to stimuli. By that we mean your ability to control your emotions and to heighten your vibration. Those are two critical factors in ensuring your safety as you travel outside your body.

Is journeying in meditation the same as traveling outside your body?

Oh, it's all the same. When you travel with your psyche, you are traveling with your spirit. You experienced this yourself in meditation when you journeyed with apophyllite in the celestial realm and found that you were taken to many different places. That was astral travel; you just didn't realize it.


You build these things up in your mind to be so much more than they are. They're just simple ways to get from point A to point B. It is the way your world works. The way your mind works. The way your spirit works.


Locked as you are in your three dimensions, you have forgotten the way your spirit communicates and interacts with the rest of the universe. We are simply reminding you of what reality really is. It's so much more than your five senses. And humanity, as a whole, is starting to remember this fact.

Aside from astral travel, how should we think about and work with Metatron’s cube?

Many use Metatron’s cube in crystal grid formations. It's certainly the least risky way to utilize this shape. Still, it is very powerful, so sometimes it overpowers the intention for the grid. If you want to use Metatron’s cube in a crystal grid, focus your intention like a laser. Make your intention so clear that nothing else can manifest.


It is probably best used for bringing in angelic energies, celestial energies, and positive extradimensional energies. We emphasize positive because there are many kinds of extradimensionals, and you are advised to take care with the ones that you seek out.

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

We don't want you to think that you cannot hold this shape in your mind and journey. You can. You just might not end up where you think you're going. It can literally take you anywhere, in any dimension, and some of those dimensions are not places you want to be. So, unless you are a spiritual adept, it's better to use one of the simpler Platonic Solids to start with.


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