I think we could all use a little more peace at the moment. This meditation from my guides is designed to help you find a bit of calm amid the storm.
The guides gave me this lovely meditation for peace a few months ago, but I held off posting it without knowing why. Well, today's the day they told me to give it to you. I think we could all use a little inner peace just now.
In this 10-minute guided meditation, you will work with the energy of flowers to feel more calm and refreshed. Because the energy signature of flowers is purity, health, and joy, flowers really can help us feel better.
Before you start the meditation, choose a crystal to work with—consider amazonite, moss agate, flower agate, or mookaite jasper, or use the one that calls to you.
You can view the meditation on my YouTube channel, or simply click the image to the right to access it.
Here's what friends have said.
"This was awesome! Thank you. I held my selenite crystal through the meditation and it helped me calm down." ~ Dianne
I'd love to hear what you experience!
Feel free to leave a comment on the meditation in the comments space below (scroll way, way down), or post a comment to the video on YouTube.