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  • The Stone Spirit

Making way for a new Earth with Gaia and phantom quartz

The Supreme Court's decision to strike Roe v Wade is a bell that can't be unrung. Change is on its way, say Gaia and the Crystal Consciousness. They provide context and offer messages of hope and encouragement.

My soul's mission is to help others understand how to work with the energies and elements of our world, and my goal is to provide messages of hope and healing. So politics and current events aren't really my deal. But over the last few days, I got a clear tap on the shoulder from my phantom quartz and golden moss agate stones, followed by my Lybian desert glass pendant.

I always want to hear what the Crystal Consciousness has to say, and my beautiful little moss agate connects to Gaia and all Earth energies. Plus, that piece of Lybian desert glass tends to connect to ETs. So I sat down to do a different kind of channel. This was the result.

A message from Gaia through golden moss agate:

We send you the comfort of a warm fire on a cold night, the softness of moss beneath your feet, and the gentleness of a mother with her young. I am Gaia and you are all my creation. I have asked for this time and I am exceedingly grateful that it has arrived.

Oh my dears, there is no difference between the sexes except perhaps what you put in your heads. By that I mean you are what you think. And there is a small group of the old male energy that does not want to make way for a new, more balanced energy and the rising of the divine feminine.

That's OK. We love them, and we know that they will have a chance to do things differently in future incarnations. But we want you to know that this old male energy and the actions that you are seeing in your country today are a catalyst. Yes, a catalyst, so you can see and release the old ways. Be grateful that you can see the old energy so clearly before you. Because now you can choose to align with the new energy and move forward.

If you are of the old energy, it's OK to stay with it. But you will not be able to do that on my Earth. For I have decided to go in a different direction.

So what's ahead for you, my loves? Can you imagine a world in which mothers and children are safe and healthy and cared for? Where people of every stripe are allowed to make the decisions that are best for them because they have the free will to do so? And those decisions are made respecting the rights and free will of those around them? It is a world of harmony and of abundance.

Is it a world in which nothing goes wrong? In which nothing needs to be addressed? Of course not. That is the purpose of your physical lives here, after all. I give you the opportunity to view yourself from different states of being, and to learn from those states of being so that you can enrich your soul. A chance to look yourselves in the eye and say, “This is good.” What more can we ask for?

So that's where we're going, my loves. These rumblings, these eruptions, in your physical and emotional landscape are necessary to make way for something new. We have to clear the table in order to set it for the banquet. So, keep your eyes on the prize, my loves. The new Earth, my new Earth, is being born. And you are its midwives.

A message from phantom quartz and the Crystal Consciousness:

The phantom in my body is a metaphor for what is happening in the body of your country. It is a tiny thing, seen through a fog, but it is nonetheless there, and has a great deal of power. And that's where I will leave the comparison.

Your country is under the rule of a minority that has managed to gain a tremendous level of power, and seeks more. There is no other reason for the actions this minority has taken over the last 10 years. And trust me, it has been 10 years and more in the making. The rich and powerful always want to be richer and more powerful. I am a link to past lives and I have seen this time and again over the eons.

What's different now, however, is the energy of the moment. You already know that the energy of your world has shifted. The composite vibration of the Earth is now higher than it has ever been in your recorded history. And what that means is that the human consciousness will begin to be led by the heart. These actions that have been undertaken by the minority are heartless, and as such they do not fit the current energy and will not be able to prosper.

This is what we want you to take away: That the energy of your world now supports a more heart-centered approach: more communal; more compassionate; more egalitarian. And when we say “supports,” what we really mean is “in resonance with.” Anything that is not in resonance with the current energy will fall away.

This doesn't happen overnight, unfortunately. You have waited so long, you harbingers of the new energy, and to see this cabal seemingly take over your country is devastating. Be not afraid. You and your brethren have effected a marvelous change on the Earth and you will reap the benefits.

Did you know that time is now moving faster? Nothing else can happen in a state in which the vibrations are higher. The cycle of time is rotating faster, and that is one reason so many things are happening so quickly. These things have to come to the surface so that they can be released. So that you can see what has been happening. There's no going back to the old state of low vibration. What you see before you is the last death throes of the old energy.

So be of good cheer, my friends. You shall not pass this way again.

A message through Lybian desert glass:

We are the commanders of the fleet around your planet. And we are beaming light of every color, blindingly bright and beautiful, to your planet so that you may be bathed in the love of Creator. The light we are sending is one reason you are in the pattern of new energy right now. But make no mistake, you have paved the way. You have brought the light to your Earth, and with it a new way of being. It is a brave new world for you, and we have waited so long to see it come about.

So, what can you expect to happen over the next months and years? You can expect to see truths come to light. You can expect to get a hard look at what has been going on under the surface in your world. Because it's all going to be cleaned out. So watch for revelations. You ain't seen nothin’ yet.

Then, once you can see clearly and the light has begun to heal the festering sores, you will be able to build a new Earth that is in resonance with the increased vibration you have brought to her. There will be arrests. There will be changes. There will be new ways of looking at old problems.

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, but you are being supported and helped by many who have gone before you. Our worlds have been through just such an awakening, and we lived to tell the tale. [laughter]

We're here to say that it will be alright. That the new energy supports those who work in unity with others toward the highest good of all. So that's what you have to do: Be together, work together for the common good. Be vigilant. Pay attention to the revelations so that you can see the rot and cleanse it.

We are your brothers and sisters in this endeavor. And we are so blessed to assist you with it.



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