Who knew meditating on a three-sided pyramid could help us invent a new product, develop a new skill, or find a new way of thinking about an old problem?

When the guides nudged me to contemplate sacred geometry, I don't know what I expected, but it sure wasn't an explanation of how the Platonic Solids can help us spiritually. In case you aren't familiar with them, the Platonic Solids are a set of geometric shapes; each will look the same no matter which way you view it. To date, we've explored the dodecahedron, octahedron, and icosahedron.
Today I was guided to focus on the tetrahedron, a three-sided pyramid. And much to my surprise, a new teacher appeared: a group consciousness calling itself Ra-Sha. As a medium, I'm not great at getting names, and most consciousnesses tell me that names aren't important anyway. So I was pretty surprised to get not just a name, but a spelling. Go me!
Ra-Sha and my guide Charlie collaborated on today's information. Charlie's humor is still present, but you can also see the slightly more staccato style of Ra-Sha here. I'm not sure what to expect going forward, but I figure this isn't the last time we'll hear from Ra-Sha.
Can you tell me about the shape we call the tetrahedron?
Well, that is a wonderful shape. It is preparation. It is lifting. It is finding the new. It is integrating different perspectives to create something new.
The tetrahedron expresses the goal of all communication, which is to synthesize information from multiple sources into a cohesive narrative.
The tetrahedron can teach you much about your past and your future.
What makes you say that?
Well, the three sides coming together are a metaphor for how humans were created to begin with. [laughter] With regard to your future, as we say, the tetrahedron is preparation.
Preparation for what? In what way?
The geometry of the figure is a function of the 4 and the 6.* The number 4 is about service and hard work. It is practical, productive, loyal, and reliable. The number 6 expresses love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal.
The tetrahedron is about stability. It's about service. It's about unconditional love and healing. So you can see that this shape all but shouts the direction humanity is headed in. That's why we say that it can tell you a lot about your future.
When we say the tetrahedron is about preparation, we mean that one can use the tetrahedron as a springboard to move oneself forward spiritually. Meditation on this shape can help the individual to identify a gap and bridge that gap. That is the essence of 4: hard work and practical action. And it is in part what 6 expresses, too: love, healing, and hope.
So we can use this shape to create a new reality?
Yes. Contemplation of the tetrahedron can allow the consciousness to expand into multiple realities, in effect bringing different kinds of information to the mind of the individual. It is then up to the individual to consider these new ideas and bring them together into a new narrative.
What will come to the individual is what is meant to come. What will come to the individual is what the individual needs to know in that moment. There will be a processing of information. The brain and higher self will take in that information and the individual will hopefully learn from it.
One could learn many things. It could be a new skill. It could be an invention. It could be a new way of thinking about a problem. What the tetrahedron shape supports is that bringing together of multiple perspectives to provide information or concepts that are new to the individual.
Thank you, that is very interesting. How should we meditate upon the tetrahedron?
You might place yourself inside it. You might place yourself on the pinnacle. You might see the shape over your third eye. You might build the shape in your mind. You might walk the path of the footprint and then look upward to see it take form above you. There are many ways to contemplate the tetrahedron; these are but a few.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Form follows function. Sacred geometry is nothing more than the language and structure of your reality and, indeed, of all realities. You can see that the figures we have discussed to date all have things in common, but each has a unique place in reality. Just as two cooks can put together completely different dishes from the same set of ingredients [laughter], each shape has a unique set of expressions to support.
* The regular tetrahedron has 4 faces, 6 edges, and 4 vertices. It consists of 4 equilateral triangles. Each angle of each triangle equals 60 degrees.