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Help heal humanity with the flower of life

If you want a simple, accessible way to make a positive difference in the energy of our world, this post is for you.

The flower of life is a figure we see a lot in spiritual circles, but I was curious to know how it could be used. My quantum healing guide, Charlie, offered two approaches for healing the human collective. His suggestions are a simple, accessible way for one person to make a real difference in the energy—and health—of our world.

Can you explain the sacred geometric shape we call the flower of life?

In a word, expansion. It is the natural outward progression of your reality. It is the first flowering of reality, if you will.

The seed of life divides and multiplies, just as your cells do, to form a complete being. What you see in the flower of life figure is only a portion of the concept; it is infinite. It is the mathematical model of life expanding and taking shape.

How do we work with this shape?

Many use it quite properly in crystal grids for manifestation. It is not the only arrangement for manifestation, but it is particularly suited to manifestation, especially when the concept you want to bring into being already has a foundation in the physical and you want to expand on what’s there.

Can you give me an example?

Say you have a small business and you want to attract new clientele. A crystal grid built on the flower of life would be a good tool for bringing that intention into being. In this case, you might use the flower of life as the base with an arrangement of these stones:

How about its uses in meditation?

You could use it in a similar way. A group of people meditating on a specific situation with the intention to heal that situation could visualize the flower of life as a dome over the situation. You'll remember that this is one of the arrangements we gave to your friend when she was planning a series of healing meditations for Ukraine.

So, you could help heal the world with the flower of life?

The flower of life is the finest expression of your 3D world: all parts working in harmony to create a perfect whole. So, yes, meditating on the flower of life will allow one individual to contribute healing energy to the entire human collective.

Another option is to create a crystal grid with the intention to heal the human collective. In this case, consider the flower of life with an arrangement of these stones:


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