If you've ever seen a business presentation that included a "ven diagram," you've seen that most basic of sacred geometric shapes, the vesica piscis. My guide, Charlie, sheds light on sacred geometry and this shape in particular.

My guide, Charlie, is a quantum healer. I have no idea what that means, but whenever I ask for his input on a client's situation, it invariably involves meditation and sacred geometry. Recently, a friend and I collaborated on a series of three healing sessions for Ukraine. Our guides told us to incorporate a sacred geometric figure in each session, starting with the vesica piscis, moving to the flower of life, and finishing with Metratron's Cube.
Now, I'm in no way an expert on sacred geometry, but as I watched the healing sessions unfold, the power generated from a group meditating on those shapes was almost palpable. Curious, I asked Charlie to help explain why. This series of posts is the result.
What exactly is sacred geometry?
It is the foundation of physical and spiritual reality. Our world is a mathematical marvel.
Define reality.
Oh, that’s funny. You define it. Reality is what we make it. We are the ultimate creators of our own reality—physical or spiritual.
Is physical reality the same as consciousness?
No. It is the product of consciousness.
The most basic shape in the sacred geometrical progression is the vesica piscis. What is the nature of this shape?
It is the beginning of everything and the end of nothing. The formula for creation and cooperation. The foundation of all mathematical realities in your world. It is the magic of the open door, the beckoning hand. It says, “Here, here we begin our journey. Join me.”
Put simply, the vesica piscis is the mathematical model for the beginning of creation. Did you notice that your cells divide according to this model?
What can we learn from contemplating this shape?
One circle is the self. Two circles represent the self and the other. But see how they overlap. They are connected. They show that no one is truly separate. We are all, always, part of each other.
The vesica piscis reminds us that healing is never an isolated matter. To heal is to know yourself a part of the whole, one, and perfect.
What does it mean to meditate on the vesica piscis?
It is to contemplate the navel of the world. To confront your own creation. And to create yourselves.
How does one meditate upon the vesica piscis?
Build it in your mind. Sit or stand in the eye of the figure. Or simply trace it with your finger.
What do we need to know?
You can use the vesica piscis to jump-start healing, for it is the Divine template for the beginning of man and matter.