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  • The Stone Spirit

Ground your energy to Gaia with the cube

Feeling frustrated or spacey? Having trouble focusing, finishing a project, or getting organized? You may need to ground your energy. Here's why grounding is important, and one way to go about it.

Today we're focusing on another of the Platonic Solids: the hexahedron, or cube. The Platonic Solids are a series of geometric figures that each look the same, no matter which way you view them. They are some of the most basic building blocks of our reality, but I'm learning that each has a special magic when it comes to our spiritual selves.

Ra-Sha, the new teacher who showed up recently, is back. Ra-Sha is a group consciousness with a particular interest in helping humans understand how to work in harmony with our natural world. Today Ra-Sha is joined by one of my personal favorite teachers, the Apophyllite Consciousness.

What can you tell me about the Platonic Solid known as the hexahedron, or cube?

The cube is a fundamental construct in your reality. The cube is a deceptively simple shape. The volume of the cube can actually contain every single one of the Platonic Solids. You can find them all within the cube, so mathematically the cube can be seen as one of the structural foundations of your reality.

The cube has 6 faces and 12 edges, with angles that equal 90 degrees. That means 3, 6, and 9 are among its key numbers. What do these expressions support?

Voyages. Discovery. Creativity. Being grounded while observing all of these things. The cube on the surface is the simplest shape, but it also allows for the most complexity.

How can we work with the cube?

Meditation on the cube shape can allow you to call in foundational grounding energies. Energies that will support and nurture you. Energies that will make you feel whole.

It is an excellent figure to meditate with for those who tend to be "up in their heads," as you would say, and need to be a little more grounded. In fact, you might try meditating on it yourself, since you tend to be fairly ungrounded. [smile]

Thanks, I will. Why is it important to be grounded?

When you're in human form, you need to be grounded to Gaia, simply because Gaia is the battery for your physical form.

If you don't have a full battery charge for your physical form, how will it ever contain the energy of your spirit? It's very easy for your spirit to short out your body. Especially for someone who has a strong connection to the heavens and other dimensions. You must care for your physical being so that it can effectively contain your spirit.

How can we use the cube to become more grounded?

Simply picture yourself sitting on top of or inside a cube when you are feeling disconnected from your physical reality. When we say disconnected, we mean those feelings of dizziness, of not knowing where you are in space, even of frustration.

What else would you like us to know?

One way to care for your physical being is to put it into nature. We are simply talking about going for a walk in a natural area: a park; your neighborhood; the ocean. Anyplace where nature has been allowed to grow.


Nature contains healing energy and amplification energy that your body desperately needs. You are all so cut off from nature that your physical expression is limited; your experience is dimmed, muted.

Putting yourself back into nature allows your body to reconnect with Gaia, who is ready to help you maintain your equilibrium between the physical and the spiritual.


We hope this helps you personally. And we hope it helps the people who read these words. Nature is the sovereign healer of your world.

1 Comment

Avis Lyons
Avis Lyons
Mar 14

I just love the information I am getting from your posts. I am now bringing sacred geometry into my experience and learning. Crystals have long been loved but I still am unable to recognize many of them. Nor am I able to remember their qualities.

Thank you for so much beautiful guidance.

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