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  • The Stone Spirit

What are gods and goddesses?

Are gods and goddesses real? What are they and how does one work with them? = Prehnite and my guides Charlie and Christopher weigh in.

My prehnite stone packs a big personality into a small stone. This stone's spirit once told me that its job is to help us see our shadow selves and make peace with them. When I wondered about the nature of gods and goddesses, my guides Charlie and Christopher were joined by prehnite in a tour de force on light and dark energy.

What are the entities or energies that we call “gods” and “goddesses”?

Gods and goddesses are the energy of the I AM focused on a specific place or thing. The energy takes shape and develops personality. The energy is close to Source and therefore has no need of physical limitation. The energy can be dark or light, or both, as in all things we seek balance. (It is raining today. As you might imagine, there is a goddess of rain.)

These energies seek to support the human experience in the quest to learn and develop. Gods and goddesses, like angels, can take form. The two have different purposes and manifestations, but both serve the human experience. You may speak to or call on god or goddess energy, just as you do the angels.

How is god or goddess energy different from angels?

The difference is focus. The god and goddess energies are focused on a manifestation— generally, a place or thing—and oversee that manifestation. So by connecting to a particular manifestation, you are connecting to focused divine energy.

Angels have a different agenda. They are not focused on a specific manifestation, but on humans and the human experience. Both support and nurture, but in different ways.

Did I understand rightly, that gods and goddesses can be dark or light? Why is that?

Yours is a world of polarity. The purpose of your reality is to experience both the dark and the light so you can understand more about yourself as a divine being. The dark serves it purpose.

What then is the purpose of dark energy?

It is a mirror. You want to say that dark should not exist, but the universe is one of balance. For light to exist, dark must exist.

Dark also allows you to see how you do not want to be. Love accepts all—that is the nature of love. But love also is respect for your fellow human. The dark often cancels out respect and fellow feeling. To experience the dark is to know that this is not love.

Consider your past life as a warrior in ancient Central America. That life was filled with much dark. You wanted to grow food and work with nature rather than kill and destroy, but that choice was not open to you. The lesson of that lifetime was this: War is not the way to be; war doesn’t build a healthy society. Love wants all to prosper and feel the joy of being. In love, all win. War, on the other hand, is a zero-sum game—for one side to win, another side has to lose.

So, the purpose of polarity in your reality is partly to teach you the way of love, the way of consciousness, which IS love.

Can gods and goddesses effect change in our physical world?

Yes, but so can you, if you would only realize it. God and goddess energies can give you a boost; they can make it easier for you to do what you want to do.

So if there are dark gods and goddesses, do we want to work with them?

It is not advisable.

Can dark gods and goddesses affect us anyway?

Like calls to like. That is universal law. So you can call dark energy to you with your vibration and focus.

What do you want us to know about dark energies?

Seek balance. Do not despair that your world has the dark as well as the light. For all is purposeful. Remember that THIS is not all of who you are. You are, as the author says, “taking a walk in the physical”* for the purpose of understanding. Polarity helps you to understand. How can you know bliss if you have not experienced despair?

So experience fully the dark and light in your world. We’re not saying to go out and commit murder. But know that the dark serves its purpose. Seek to balance. We fear this is beyond your present understanding. You want everything to be good. But you are ALL. The capacity—the potential—for dark and light is within you. To choose the light, you must acknowledge and accept that you have the potential for dark. Otherwise, how would you know what the light is?

How does one work with a god or goddess?

Call out. Invoke. The energy will join with yours.

Does one always need to invoke a god or goddess in order to work with it?

There may be cases in which your energy is aligned with the energy of a specific god or goddess, and that god or goddess energy will come to assist or support you. Your friend Courtnay (of Courtnay's Crystals) and her connection to Fortuna is a good example. In these cases invocation is not necessary. You have called the energy in with your vibration.

* The guides are referencing Christian Sundburg's beautiful book, A Walk in the Physical.


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