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The Stone Spirit

Get wisdom from your past lives: A new crystal meditation

Right now, the knowledge you gained in a past life is available to guide and teach you. This meditation can help you access it.

Connect to this 10-minute meditation at

According to my guide Charlie, our world is a mathematical marvel. Apparently, both physical and spiritual reality are governed by mathematics—more specifically, by sacred geometry. It's the programming language of the universe. So, while you may not consciously know sacred geometric shapes or understand their properties, your soul does.

That's why working with sacred geometric figures can help you heal, shield your energy, accelerate your spiritual growth, and more.

Now, you can use the properties of the octahedron to access past life wisdom.

According to my guides, the octahedron is a bridge between two states of being. By combining the properties of the octahedron with the power of crystals, our 10-minute guided meditation can help you see what past life patterns are cycling into your current life, and access the past life wisdom you most need now.

Connect to this 10-minute meditation at

You can view the meditation on YouTube or click the image to the right.

For this meditation, consider phantom quartz, labradorite, or Lemurian seed quartz (or use your intuition to choose a stone). Explore other crystal meditations on my (tiny) YouTube channel at

Here's what friends have said.

"Thanks for this one. I especially liked the added practice in visualization. Being guided with such great descriptions really helped stretch my visualizing muscles to see the shapes of protection and connection. This is a keeper for my guided meditation playlist." ~ Mary Lou Reed
"Wow...I am definitely surprised that I saw a life in Ancient Greece! Thank you for these." ~ Jenifer Faulman

I'd love to hear what you experience!

Feel free to leave a comment on the meditation in the comments space below, or post a comment to the video on YouTube.

Special thanks.

Thanks to Sammi Price for expert narration and Sean Price for original music. This meditation also owes a debt to Krista Mitchell, whose teachings on the energy of crystals quite literally changed my life.


Jan 12, 2024

Love it! Sammi's lovely voice is so smooth and the music is perfect, I didn't want to stop. I especially loved the sweeping chord changes. It was so soothing.

I connected with a personality that had briefly shown up during a reading last year. I had wondered if she was a past-life experience or a Spirit Guide but had not sought it out any further.

Perceived purpose for the connection to that life: Experience the "Joy of Creation"! From the heart, feeling and valuing it, and judging it not. Doing it for the LOVE of it.

Thank you. ~ Susan McAliley

The Stone Spirit
Jan 17, 2024
Replying to

Susan, that's just an amazing experience. And it's a perfect piece of past-life wisdom for an artist. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

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