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  • The Stone Spirit

Fighting the effects of harmful EMFs

The Shungite Consciousness helps us understand how harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and other such frequencies affect our health. Here's an overview, including what we can do to fight back.

A friend recently wrote to see whether a crystal could help support the health of her beehives. It's no secret that our pollinators are suffering. Failing hives have been linked to pests, pathogens, poor nutrition, pesticide exposure, lack of genetic diversity, and other factors. What's more, a recent study also suggested that electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) may play a role.

My friend asked me to speak with the Shungite Consciousness about the link between pollinator health and harmful EMFs. Shungite is widely used to combat EMFs emanating from our electronics. To my surprise, shungite was eager to connect. Not only did it recommend that my friend place shungite in her beehives, but it also asked to provide information about frequencies that are damaging to human health. This post is the result.

Hello! I gather you have a message for us.

Yes, thank you. We would like to talk about the extremely harmful frequencies that are bouncing around your world—including certain soundwaves, radio frequencies, and electromagnetic fields. Few of you can see or feel these. They come from cell towers, individual cell phones, computers, electric transmission towers, power plants, nuclear plants, radio broadcasts, and more.


We'd like to say to you that no one set out to create damaging frequencies. They simply created products, tools, and processes that were useful and convenient. The inventors didn’t realize the harmful effects of the soundwaves and frequencies that their inventions generated. They weren't aware of just how damaging these are.  

How do these harmful frequencies affect us?

These damaging frequencies go around and around and around your world. There's no getting away from them because they're all over. Those of you who live in more rural areas may be a little less affected. Those who live in urban environments are bombarded with them on an almost constant basis.

They are injurious to your health. They are injurious to your psychic senses and your ability to connect with Spirit. They are injurious to the way your brain operates. And you don't even know it.

Well, that’s fairly terrifying. Is there anything we can do to mitigate the effects?

Aside from tearing down the cell towers, changing your power grid, stopping radio transmissions, and adjusting the sound frequencies put out by vehicles, there's very little you can do on a global basis. But there are things you can do on an individual basis.

One of the reasons shungite has been brought forward in this modern age is its ability to absorb these toxic frequencies, and to help shield you from them. So, you might consider putting shungite between you and whatever is putting out harmful frequencies.

What is the nature of shungite?

Protection. Cleansing. The energy of Gaia, in a package. We carry the fire of the volcanos that helped form us, and that is what we use to burn up unhelpful energies.

How can we use shungite to combat harmful frequencies?

Consider keeping shungite between you and your home electronics—around your computer and television cable box, for example—and add shungite patches to your cell phone.

To clear your aura, we suggest you meditate frequently with shungite in your non-dominant hand. Or meditate with pieces of shungite placed at your head, feet, and hands.

The more often you clear your aura of harmful frequencies, the better your body will feel. Note that you will need to clear your shungite often—every three to four days at least.

Thank you. Is there anything else we can do?

Shungite is not the only tool you can use to lessen the effects of these damaging frequencies. We encourage you to play healing frequencies throughout your home. Alison enjoys the house-clearing music that she found online. That kind of music puts out vibrations that can begin to mitigate the effects of the harmful frequencies being emitted by the appliances you find so useful.

You can think of this as fighting frequency with frequency, if you will. Sound is extremely potent for the human body. It can be both healing and harmful. You may use sound in a way that is healing by filling your environment with the sound of health.

And what is the sound of health?

We're putting the phrase “solfeggio scale” into Alison’s mind. Some crystal or metal bowls are tuned to put out these frequencies when they're rung. Music that has been created on this scale can help support your physical and emotional health.

In addition, 432 hertz and 540 hertz are very useful frequencies to have around your home. These frequencies are supportive of your physical body and cognitive function.

Thank you. What else should we know about making our homes more supportive of our physical health?

Don't forget emotional health, because these damaging frequencies have an effect on your emotions as well.

Look for products and services that can help to transmute the frequencies in your environment. A few have been developed and are commercially available, but are not widespread.* These are of a “set it and forget it” nature, so that you don't have to continue playing house-clearing music every day for several hours a day.

Such products and services will become more available as the density of your world lightens. We are happy to report that the human population is beginning to understand the effect of these frequencies on the body.

It is becoming more known that electronics put out harmful electromagnetic fields that mess with your brain and physical tissues. Over the next 20 years, inventors will be looking for ways to address these issues in your devices—televisions, computers, cell phones, tablets, and the like. So, watch for healthier products to come to market.

*Three such products that I'm aware of are Focused Life-Force Energy, a quantum technology that includes EMF mitigation; Harmoni, a wearable device that focuses on EMF protection and stress relief; and Healy, a series of frequency application devices that address pain and harmonize the bioenergetic field.


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