Nature is magical. The natural world is guarded and nurtured by the elemental beings. My Ethiopian opal describes what they are and how to partner with them.

As a crystal medium, I'm bombarded by stones that want my attention. Such was the case of a small Ethiopian honey opal that I saw while shopping online. I couldn't get the stone out of my mind, so I asked the opal what it wanted. "I connect to the elementals," it said. That was a whole new class of being to me, so I asked it to explain.
Oh and, in case you are wondering, I did buy that opal and had it set in a pendant. (Natch.) It has since joined my posse of stone guides.
What are the entities or energies that you call “the elementals”?
The elementals are sparks of the divine that harmonize or resonate with natural elements. They are part of the unseen world, but are very real nonetheless. They care for the element of nature and they intersect with the human consciousness. The elementals exist to nurture and support the various components of the natural world, and to help humans connect to it.
Tell me more. What, for example, are the devas?
Devas care for the land, the physical manifestation of the land. There are many kinds of devas, as many as the types of physical creation that exist. The devas focus on particular manifestations—the trees, the flowers, the herbs, the green growing things.
Are there spirits of the air and wind? How about rocks and volcanoes?
Yes, for there is energy in all things. Wind is movement; air is made of molecules. The wind and air spirits clean and purify the air, care for it. All of natural creation is guarded and nurtured by elementals. Elementals are a motherly energy, a nurturing energy that one can partner with.
Do elementals also guard and care for the crystal matrices?
Yes, since they are made of the physical elements of Gaia. Elementals are Gaia’s helper spirits.

What would we partner with elementals to do?
Grow plants, protect wild areas, feed wildlife and humans. Some can ask elementals for help in fixing problems of nature.
Problems like fires and floods?
Yes. Sufficiently aware humans can ask the elementals to help lessen the severity of a natural process, such as a fire or flood. This would be a partnership, you understand, so there must be a level of respect and caring for nature first, such that elementals would be of a mind to assist.
Are there dark energy elementals?
Is there dark energy in Gaia’s creation? No. There are natural processes—storms, fires, floods, and the like—that have purpose and indeed can have devastating consequences, but are not of themselves “dark.” Think of the elementals as helper spirits for nature.
What about fairies, gnomes, and other creatures of myth?
Rarely does a myth arise that does not have some basis in fact. Fairies and gnomes exist—they are part of the elemental kingdom. As a medium, you may be able to see them. It depends on one's vibration, intent, and level of benevolent interaction with nature. For they have learned not to trust humans. But those humans who protect and nurture the environment are loved and assisted by the elementals.
For what purpose would someone like me work with the elementals?
To provide messages and healing energies to others. The elementals and your opal are now imbuing this writing, these words, with the healing energy of nature. The energy matrix of this work you are creating will carry the healing energy of Mother Earth within it. That is the magic of energy in your world. You can’t see it, but it is everywhere. And you can use it and direct it for benevolent purposes.
How do we work with elementals?
Be reverent toward creation. Respect it and show it gratitude. Seek to be in harmony with the natural world. Match your vibration to the purity that is creation.
Is there anything you would like us to know?
This the message we want you to take away: You have partners in the natural world. Respect nature, care for it, heal what has been broken, and the elementals will join with you and increase the energy of your actions tenfold. You have help if you will ask for it, and if you will treat Gaia’s creation with the respect and reverence it deserves.