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Energy forecast for October 2023

The Stone Spirit

Looks like we'll be in for a lot of activity in October. Here's a look at the unruly energy of the weeks to come, plus four stones to help get us through it.

The energy for October 2023

For the past week, my Welo opal pendant has been a bit clingy, asking me to wear it day after day. So I wasn't surprised to see that it wanted to help with today's post. But I was shocked that my small andara elder (a gift from my friend Aeriana at Lily and Sage Publishing) also wanted to be involved. My opal connects to the elementals; the andara says its name is El-inel and that it is "a keeper of the wisdom of nature." So even before I started the channel, I knew we were in for some Earth-related news.

With thanks to El-inel, my opal, the guides, and the Andromedans*, here's a look at the unruly energy of October, plus four stones to help us manage it.

Hello! What can we expect from the energy of October?

Churning. Upheaval. Strife. We are speaking primarily about the energy of Gaia during October, but this energy is reflected in the human population as well. October looks like it's going to be a fairly active month in terms of the elements: earth; wind; water; even fire. The elements are very active just now. It's a clearing. You can think of it like a scrub brush, cleaning things up for autumn.

In your human experience, expect some unrest. Expect lots of activity, perhaps even violence, on the national and global levels. The month may feel very busy.

You mention the elements being active in October. Is that why my opal and El-inel wanted to be involved today?

Yes! Your opal connects to the elementals and El-inel connects to the nature spirits and inner Earth. Both are adding their energy to the message today. El-inel in particular is concerned about the well-being of the human population. So, watch your communication systems closely and heed any warnings that come out. There is the potential for events to happen with little warning. Keep a “go bag” packed in case you need to leave quickly.

Welo opal pendant

My Welo opal pendant.

Is there anything special we should look for?

We've talked a little about the potential for weather- and Earth-related events this month. But you might expect a kind of raking up of dirt from the floor of your governments, too. That’s what’s happening in governmental affairs: You are stripping out the detritus that has gathered there over the years. That is a somewhat violent process, and so you're going to see things you don't like very much. Just know that it is all a necessary part of the process. There's a great cleansing happening, and you're getting a front row seat.

How will the energy of October affect our personal lives?

October carries something of an energy of unrest. And so, you may see small squabbles among your family members, small discontents in your relationships. Think of it as the cleansing of a wound so that it can heal. If you do find your emotions rather stirred up in October, simply know that this won't last forever. Know that it is allowing you to look at things that may not be working as well as you would like, and to address them. It's just simply the energy of the month scraping, cleansing, and healing.

October is also a moment when you might study in more depth a subject that interests you. The energy supports looking very closely at subjects. And so whether it's art, photography, history, or another subject, the energy of October will support an in-depth study of whatever interests you.

What can we do help manage the energy of the month?
  • Use moss agate to connect to the devas and nature spirits and to send healing energy to Mother Earth. Place it in your garden, keep a piece on your desk, wear it as a ring on your dominant hand, or meditate with it in your non-dominant hand.

  • Consider amethyst to help counteract negative energies and calm angry temperaments. Meditate with it on your third eye chakra, wear it over your heart, or place a large piece in your living space.

  • Try rose quartz for calm and reassurance, and to help dissolve emotional wounds. Place a piece in each of the four corners of your working or living space, wear it over your heart chakra, or meditate with it in your non-dominant hand.

  • Use chrysoprase for inner strength and emotional balance. Wear it over your solar plexus chakra or meditate with it in your non-dominant hand.

What else would you like us to know about October?

Be aware of your surroundings. Be prepared to move quickly if you live in an area that is prone to tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, or earthquakes.

In the political and legal arena, do your best to stay above the fray. We think the news will be coming thick and fast, but you don't have to let it throw you off your balance. In many ways, this month is a lesson in maintaining your balance. So keep your eyes on the horizon. This too shall pass.

* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.


Avis Lyons
Avis Lyons
Oct 01, 2023

Thank all of you for this reading. I try to stay with the knowledge that a cleansing is going on and this too shall pass. I love how close you are to your stones. i am so new to even thinking I could work with them, I have picked up an interest. One of my teachers who passed in 1998 would go into the yard and pick up rocks to make a tea by combining stones to the ratio of positive to negative needed for her remedy. She measured with a pendulum. I wish I had received that teaching. So glad for this warning as I live on the Louisiana Coast. Thank you.

The Stone Spirit
Oct 02, 2023
Replying to

Wow, what a magical practice. I wish I could ask your teacher about it, too. Perhaps we will be able to do that one day. Hopefully you won't be at risk. A friend and I felt a kind of surge in the water around Galveston, so fingers crossed that any flooding is minor. I hope you try meditating with your stones. If they are calling to you, it's for a reason.

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