Get ready for adventure, friends. Here's what we can expect from June, along with two ways (and three crystals) to help manage the energy.
As the guides predicted, the month of May offered a chance to catch our collective breath. After the chaotic energies that have consumed our national affairs for years, I certainly appreciated it.
But even before I checked with the guides and Andromedans* about the energy of June, I noticed that it feels distinctly different. There's a sense of action, of a pot on the verge of boiling over. So get ready for adventure, friends. Here's what we can expect, along with two practices (and three crystals) that can help us manage the energy.
Hello! What can we expect from the energy of June?
It’s an energy of change. June is a month of songbirds and flowers and weddings. But this June, happenings on your national stage will likely overshadow some of the joyous private events you typically associate with June. There are a lot of things cooking in your world. And those things are coming to a head, to mix your metaphors. [laughter]
Watch for changes to take place in the foundation of your governing bodies. A shift is happening that is encouraging governing leaders to change the way they're looking at problems, to change the way they approach the problems in front of them.
Some of your leaders are beyond redemption. They are so mired in ego, in unhelpful ways of working, that they will not change. However, there are many who are pragmatic enough to know which way the wind is blowing and to shift with it.
As it becomes clear what the people do not want, those governing members who are clever enough to adapt will begin to work toward what the people do want. You may see some collaborations you weren't expecting. This is a pragmatic approach, we must say. They're simply going to do what's best for them.
Yet, we can use that pragmatism to help raise the level of light in your land—to bolster services that help the disadvantaged, to strengthen programs and practices that lift people up. As we lift people up, their energy lightens, which in turn helps lighten the energy of your world overall. And that is our goal.
Is there anything special we should look for?
Watch for increasing momentum in the legal sphere. You've already seen tremendous strides toward what you term justice for those who would tear down your democratic processes: investigations; depositions; indictments; convictions. You may see information leaking, which could give you a peek into some of the investigations.
What does June's energy support for humans personally?
We think you can expect some wacky weather. Rain, wind, and earth movements are possible because of changes in your weather patterns. These affect many systems in your world. And because of that, we expect humans will feel unsettled.
Know that the energies of changing weather can affect your emotions. For many humans there may be some emotional ups and downs that seem to come from nowhere. Those ups and downs may actually be triggered by weather changes. Weather is energy, after all. Understanding this may help you understand what's happening in your own emotional body.
Can we offer any positive news?
We would consider all of this positive news. At the beginning of the year, we told you that the year would be a slow, steady march toward the light. You've come so far in the year to date. Stop and take stock of what has happened so far. Did you think there would be the indictments and convictions that you've seen?
We know things still feel uncomfortable. You still feel a nagging sense of things not being completed. That's ok. It's a very human reaction. You can't see the building of the light in your world, but we can. It's much brighter now than it was six months ago, because people are starting to let go of some of their fears. And that allows room for the light.
Thank you. How can we work with the energy of June?
We encourage you to move your body more this month. It's a good way to dispel anxiety. Walk, run, play, exercise. We especially encourage you to spend time in wooded areas. Tree energy calms and heals the human body.
You might also consider a stone layout. Place the following three stones on your chakras and spend 30 minutes in meditation, using a guided meditation or a binaural beats audio track.
Kambaba jasper. A stone of peace and tranquility, kambaba jasper brings you the energy of nature. Place it on your root chakra.
Orange calcite. Orange calcite is an energizing and cleansing stone that can help you to balance your emotions and release feelings of fear and anxiety. Place it on your solar plexus chakra.
Serpentine. A stone of balance and harmony, serpentine can help calm the nervous system, relieve tension, and help you to feel more in control of your life and emotions. Place it on your heart chakra.
What else would you like us to know about June?
Keep the faith. This is a month of movement. You may feel a little whiplash. Keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the horizon. We promise you the light is winning. Go within, quiet your mind, and connect to your angels, who can help you be at peace and remain confident. We send you love and light.
* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.