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The Stone Spirit

Energy forecast for July 2024

Here is a look at the energy of July, along with four stones that can help you keep your balance, no matter what comes.

We could all use a little healing in July 2024.

This month, my pale blue andara asked to help with the energy forecast for July. When this stone introduced herself to me, she asked me to call her "Nurse Nellie." If you already know that andara crystals were first discovered on the land of a venerated Native American healer called Lady Nellie, then that may tell you something about the month to come.

Andaras are connected to all of nature. Thus, it's probably not surprising that the energy of nature is one thing we're going to need a lot of in July.

With thanks to Nurse Nellie, the guides, and the Andromedans*, here is the energy forecast for July 2024, along with four stones that can help you find peace, strength, and solace, and along the way, remember your connection to all of Gaia's beings.

Hello, what can we expect from the energy of July?

Challenge. Reorientation. New directions. In many ways, July is a culmination of the energies that have come before. In many ways, it is the pinnacle of the energy of 2024. There's no doubt now about what is happening in your country. It's all out there for you to see. And you have only to decide what you're going to do about it. The energy of July brings a sense of determination. Its energy is an invitation to work together.

Thank you. Is there anything special to look for in July?

This is a moment for reflection, for looking at all that has come before. It is a moment for clearly seeing a plan that has been 50 years in the making.

It's no accident that the energy of your country’s shadow self is peaking around the anniversary of your nation's founding. These are fundamental strikes at the quality of your nation's character. We ask again: What will you do about it? There is an invitation here to work with people who may not see eye to eye with you.

How will the energy of July affect our personal lives?

Know that physical ailments may be exacerbated in this month. You've had a shock to the system. And so, this is a month in which to nurture yourself.

How can we work with the energy of the month?

Focus on your crown and root chakras now. Wear, sleep with, or meditate with any of these four stones. Use your intuition to choose which to work with. Your body knows what you need. Allow yourself to be drawn to the right stone in the moment.

  • Selenite. Selenite is light. It is angelic frequencies. It is mercy, compassion, and divinity. Selenite is aligned so strongly with the light that nothing can stand against it. And this is what Selenite offers you for July. It offers you the opportunity to connect with divine white light and wisdom. It will be your guide. It will be your solace. It will be your strength.

  • Red Jasper. Red Jasper is the Earth. It is the soil beneath your feet, the rock in your hands, the blue skies above you, and the pure love of Gaia’s beings. In July, Red Jasper will be your foundation. It will help you heal. It will stabilize you and console you. And it will unfailingly bring you back to the heart of Earth, your mother.

  • Green Agate. Green Agate is balance. It is healing. It brings you to a true sense of your worth. This is what Green Agate offers you for July. It will help you balance yourself. It will bring you healing from the color green and the nurturing sense of being in connection with all beings.

  • Amethyst. Amethyst is calm. It is radiance. It is peace. In July, Amethyst will bring you the ability to rise above the fray, to know that what matters is your connection to Spirit and not the physical bindings of rules and laws and governance. With Amethyst’s help, you can know your true self and feel a sense of peace and contentment as you do.

Is there anything else you'd like us to know?

Take time now to be with the family. Take time to be in the Earth, to ground yourself in your Earth mother, to remember what she is and therefore what you are. Gaia’s energy is love, compassion, and balance. You are part of her. You cannot be separated from her or from the fundamental quality of your cells. Celebrate your compassion, your oneness with all other beings on this planet. You are all inextricably bound—and because you are bound, you can find common ground.

We ask you to notice that phrase, “common ground.” You can find your commonality with others in the ground beneath your feet. You can find it in your planet’s energy. And so, this is a month to practice grounding. This is a month to practice walking in nature, to focus on the rhythms and patterns of the Earth.

How can nature help us this month?

There is healing energy in the Earth everywhere you go. But if you're stuck inside your house, you're not in contact with her. Walk in a woodland and take that time to really notice the beauty of your physical world. When you see something beautiful, stop and stare. Take it in fully. That will begin to heal your soul. It will also begin to give you the energy you need to accept the challenge that has been offered.

* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.

3 comentários

02 de jul. de 2024

Gobsmacked is the word for this week. Thanksmuch for your exceptional insights. Sending much love. Brenda Wilhoit, Stone Gatherer.

The Stone Spirit
02 de jul. de 2024
Respondendo a

I'm gobsmacked right along with you. Challenge and new directions, indeed.


02 de jul. de 2024

Thanks Allison!!!

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