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The Stone Spirit

Energy forecast for January 2023

While the road may not be smooth, January looks to be the beginning of a rebirth of kindness and collaboration. Here's an overview of what the energy supports, plus three crystals that can help us manage what's to come.

There was a time when I found feathers nearly every single day. They were a message of encouragement from my guides when I sorely needed it. Since moving to South Carolina and settling more firmly into the role my guides outlined for me, the feathers have been few and far between. So imagine my surprise when we walked the dog early this morning and found an enormous flight feather from a vulture. Did you know that, as a spirit animal, Vulture comes to you when your life is heading in a new direction? Vulture is a symbol of rebirth and purification. That's important, because the energy forecast for January was on my mind.

Now, if you read the energy forecast for 2023, you already know that the Gold Consciousness unexpectedly joined the Andromedans for the conversation. Today, they're both back to talk about January. And that vulture feather comes full circle, they say, because January is the start of a new direction: a rebirth of kindness and collaboration. Here's an overview of what the energy supports, plus three crystals that can help us manage what's to come.

What can we expect from the energy of January?

Strife. Confusion. Decisive action. An unearthing is beginning. You are emerging from where you have been into where you're going. This is a year in which all the changes that you have been moving toward over the last five years have risen to the surface. You can now see what has been happening and decide what to do about it.


In reality, you have already decided. You've decided that you don’t want divisiveness and polarity and war. You’ve decided that you want peace and collaboration and kindness. The energy of January is the beginning of a year-long project to support breaking through the crust and being able to take action that will reverberate through the years; action that will begin to build the kind of world you want.

Well, that's very inspiring. Can you tell us what you mean by strife and confusion?

Buckle your seatbelt. You may see people behaving in even more extreme ways for a short period of time. You may see this playing out in the Capitol (and here we're talking about the United States Capitol, your Congress.)

There is a reshuffling going on there. The balance of power needs to shift to the middle so that people can come together and talk about the problems that are faced by all and come to solutions that are palatable to all.

This is the beginning. But you’re not going to get there without a little bit of, well, let's just call it what it is: pain. There may be some catfighting, some name-calling, some unpleasantness. But it's all in service of a greater good.

As we've said, humanity has already decided what it wants, and what it wants is harmony. And so, these discordant energies need to change. They don't go together, they're fighting with each other, and it hurts the ears. These energies need to come into harmony, so that you have a song that is pleasant to listen to.

That's what we mean when we say that the energy for January supports strife and confusion. You may feel unsettled, my friends, but it's an illusion. It's a collapsing of sorts. The things that will be happening have to happen for you to get where you've already decided you want to be. So, watch for change to take place in fits and starts, with some surprises along the way—particularly in the public sphere—as various energies resolve.

What does the energy support for humans personally?

You will still have this overall energy of digging out; of seeing things half-buried on the surface and uncovering them so you can see more clearly. This energy of looking more closely, of studying what's in front of you more carefully, this is something that the energy of January supports for humans.

In January, as in the rest of 2023, you may decide that you want to look at situations differently. There's a sense of being open to a new way of looking at things, a new way of working on problems. That new way is more collaborative, more open, more heart centered. January is the beginning of all of that.

You may see changes in your news arena as people begin to leave the programs and platforms that sow division and begin to migrate toward those that make you feel good, that make you feel like part of a collective building toward something positive.

Taking a fresh look at things is something that the January energy supports. We hope you will use the energy of January to begin building a beautiful new way of operating, of collaborating, of partnering with each other. It can only happen if you make that decision. It can only start in your heart.

Thank you. What does the energy support for Gaia?

The energy supports a relatively muted month for Gaia, although you may see more rain and earth movements such as landslides and earthquakes.

What tools can help support us in January?
  • To rebalance your emotions and encourage optimism, wear or carry sunstone. Keep a piece of sunstone on your body or in your pocket. Sunstone helps melt away feelings of unworthiness, of being discriminated against, disadvantaged, or abandoned. It also helps transform anger and judgment into joy.

  • To calm an overactive mind, connect to Spirit, and encourage new ideas, meditate with labradorite. Place labradorite over your sacral chakra or third eye as you engage in a short, guided meditation. Labradorite helps bring out the best in people. It encourages courtesy, helps to banish fears and insecurities, and inspires trust in the universe. It also happens to be one of the best stones around for unlocking your intuitive abilities.

  • To see the world in new ways, carry or meditate with howlite. Keep a piece of howlite in your pocket, or place it over your crown chakra during a nap or short meditation. As a stone of transformation, howlite encourages open-mindedness and compassion. It allows ideas and thoughts to come together without judgment. By encouraging you to step back and reflect, howlite can help change the way you view your world.

What else should we know about the energy of January?

Here is where you may be able to see hints of the new Earth to come. In this month, you may see the world at large take its first halting steps toward working together. Toward bringing various viewpoints, even conflicting viewpoints, into a room so they can have a conversation about what they need and find solutions that serve the highest good of all. The steps may be shaky, they may be small, they may be half-hidden. But you may see them if you look. Because this is where it starts.



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