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  • The Stone Spirit

Energy forecast for February 2024

Here's a look at the energy of February 2024, plus three stones to help you heal your heart, balance your emotions, and open to the collective consciousness.

The energy for February 2024

This month, my black onyx asked to help with the energy forecast. I take comfort in that, because black onyx is a master healer that helps to transmute painful emotions and dark energy. This stone stabilizes the emotional body, encouraging healing so we can let go of the past and look to the future.

With thanks to the Andromedans* and the Onyx Consciousness, here's the energy forecast for February 2024, including three stones to help you heal your heart, balance your emotions, and open to the collective consciousness.

Hello, what can we expect from the energy of February?

Snap, crackle, pop! It's a live wire. The energy will go in many directions. You might experience a bit of whiplash from abrupt turns and changes in fortunes.

We tell you this not to make you concerned, but to let you know that the world is coming back into balance. Remember that finding balance is an active pursuit. Imagine a pendulum. It needs to swing back and forth until it can find its equilibrium. In your reality, many forces are pushing on the energy right now—many intentions, many desires, many fears. That “push-me-pull-you” energy may manifest as abrupt changes in direction.

Is there anything special we should look for?

We think there will be a lot of movement in the legal actions that are taking place in your country. There may be some surprises, possibly some upsets. But overall, it's a steady march toward what you would term justice and we would call reconciliation.

There may not be a lot of positive movement in the wars overseas. However, some things are taking place behind the scenes in Eastern Europe that may build momentum toward an easing, an untangling, of that situation.

When I look at the energetic landscape in Ukraine, it feels like the energy relaxes just a bit.

Yes. You may be looking farther ahead than February, but the actions taking place behind the scenes right now are building toward that softening effect you see.

How will the energy of February affect our personal lives?

February is a beautiful month in your calendar because it is the month of love. Always in this month, the collective attention directed toward Valentine's Day affects the energy in your world.

This February may offer a moment to breathe in between all of the chaotic, frightening, and unsettling things that are happening in your world. And so, you may find yourself better able to enjoy your personal life in February.

What else should we know about the energy of February?

Things are rapidly coming to a head in your reality. These winter months are building toward a reconciliation of energies that have been at war with each other for the past couple of years. It's a month in which surprises and upsets will take place, and yet you will be better able to see the steady march toward resolution. Things may feel a little better, a little brighter, a little more optimistic.

Thank you. How can we work with the energy of February?

If ever there was a month for heart healers, this is it. Working with the heart chakra is probably the best thing you can do for the collective right now. Here are three to try.

  • Rose quartz. This stone of unconditional love lets you see yourself and others from the heart. A stone for connecting with the overall human consciousness, rose quartz helps you to feel at peace. Meditate with rose quartz in your receptive hand or placed on your heart chakra.

  • Amazonite. Resonating with the heart and throat chakras, amazonite lets you see a problem from another’s point of view, or see both sides of an issue with objectivity. It calms the emotions and can help you direct anger into more positive action. Wear this stone over your heart, or place a piece on your heart chakra as you meditate.

  • Watermelon tourmaline. The soothing vibrations of watermelon tourmaline help to bring about a sense of inner peace, relief from anxiety and depression or patience and emotional understanding. Use this stone to release negative emotions, work through old baggage and end destructive patterns of thinking and behavior. Wear this stone over your heart.

Is there anything else you'd like us to know?

The dark and the light are coming back into balance. Remember that pendulum swinging. When it finds its balance in the middle of its arc, it can only stay there for a certain period of time until something arrives to knock it off balance again.

Recognize that this physical life is something of a roller coaster. You move up and up and up the hill, and then find a moment of balance at the top in which you can breathe. And then, away you plunge. We laugh to give you this metaphor, but it's a pretty good one for the energies of this moment.

Stay grounded, dear ones. Stay in the light. Stay in your hearts. We love you.

* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.


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