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  • The Stone Spirit

Energy forecast for 2024

It seems that 2024 is a year for integrating our shadow selves. Here's a look at the overall energy of the year, plus four healing stones to help us through it.

The energy for 2024

By now you know that, at least in my world, the stones are in charge. So when silver sheen obsidian demanded that I work with it last week, I wasn't about to say no. But it wasn't until yesterday that I understood what it was working up to: this post on the energy of 2024. Once I did, I was so blue that my friend Divine the dragon had to lift me out of it.

You see, it appears that 2024 is the year of healing our shadow. Have you ever done any shadow work? It isn't the most enjoyable experience. Which perhaps explains why the last few months have been so difficult. We're seeing a lot of things we don't like very much. But we're also seeing the beginnings of the human collective coming together, working for peace, for justice, and for an end to division and strife. So, as a year, 2024 may feel like a bit of a paradox. Not unlike silver sheen obsidian itself.

With thanks to the Obsidian Consciousness, the dragons, and the Andromedans*, here's an overview of the energy of 2024, plus four stones to help us work through it. (Oh, and be sure to read Divine's message from the dragons at the bottom of this page. It certainly made me feel more optimistic. I hope it will do the same for you.)

Hello, what can we expect from the energy of 2024?

Breaking through. An egg cracking. The energy of 2024 is about healing. It's about confronting your shadow. It's about healing your relationship to the parts of yourself that you don't like to look at. 2024 is about seeing all that you are and deciding to express yourself in a way that is light-filled, compassion-filled, and loving.

Is there anything special we should look for?

Fireworks. It's a year of surprises. A year of unexpected conclusions. A year of things happening that you didn't think could happen, of things changing that you didn't think could change. This is the energy that 2024 supports.

How will the energy of 2024 affect our personal lives?

You may find yourselves feeling out of sorts, unsettled, even angry. You're looking at things that you would prefer not to look at. We want you to know that, in order to heal a hurt, you must first see it. In order to heal a hurt, you must first feel it.

We encourage you to feel your anger. We encourage you to feel your disgust. We encourage you to feel your disappointment. Those emotions are signposts that tell you, “This is not the way to live.”

Attention is being drawn to the areas of the world that need more assistance. These areas are, for lack of a better word, stuck. They have had eons of bloodshed, centuries of torture and violence. And so, as you look at events in these areas with your very natural horror and empathy and compassion, you begin to lighten their energy. These areas are working through their collective trauma. And 2024 may be the year in which they break through that trauma and begin to heal it.

Can you tell me why silver sheen obsidian wanted to help with this energy forecast?

The energy of silver sheen obsidian is the energy of stars in the night sky, of optimism in the midst of darkness. Silver sheen obsidian is about transforming energy: changing heavy to light; changing low to high. It's about standing on the earth and connecting to the heavens.

These are also the energies of 2024. This is a year for looking at yourselves, seeing what you do not like, and transmuting those heavier energies into something that you can move forward with in joy.

What can we do to work with the energy of 2024?

Because you like crystals, here are four healing stones to work with now. (Not sure how to meditate with a crystal? Try our new 10-minute guided meditation.)

  • Obsidian. Obsidian, particularly rainbow obsidian, is an excellent stone for transforming dark energy. Rainbow obsidian brings hope, illumination, and energy into the most blocked and stagnant areas of the emotional body, and grounds spiritual light into the aura and physical body. Wear it at your solar plexus, or meditate with it in your receptive hand (the hand you do not write with).

  • Malachite. A heart healer, malachite shows what is blocking your spiritual growth and allows you to break outworn patterns. Wear it on your dominant hand, or meditate with a piece placed on your heart chakra.

  • Rose quartz. This stone of unconditional love lets you see yourself and others from the heart. A stone for connecting with the overall human consciousness, rose quartz helps you to feel at peace. Meditate with rose quartz in your receptive hand or placed on your heart chakra.

  • Bumblebee jasper. A stone of the yellow ray, bumblebee jasper can help you find your balance in a world that feels very unsettled. Meditate with bumblebee jasper to experience the acceptance of self and the healing of old soul wounds.

Divine, was there something you wanted to say about 2024?

Yes, my dear. You were sad, rightly so, at what you received yesterday. But why the surprise? Obsidian introduces you to your shadow so that you can integrate it. All of us have shadow. Every human, every consciousness, is seeking to balance itself between light and dark.

This year is the beginning of a time of confronting and healing your shadow. The energy of 2024 is about allowing you to heal those parts of yourself you'd rather not look at. And it's about waking up to the idea that, when one hurts, all hurt; when one heals, all heal.

Your writers have said that it's always darkest before the dawn. It feels pretty bad at the moment, doesn't it? And yet, it is a time of celebration, too, because you've come so far. We want to remind you of what you read a few weeks ago in Dolores Cannon’s book, The Three Waves of Volunteers: The human collective has advanced so much that, if your counterparts from the 18th century were to meet you, to them you would glow.

Can you hold on to that idea of yourself as a glowing, beautiful, higher-frequency being? In addition to confronting and healing and integrating your shadow, 2024 is also a moment for noticing how much lighter, how much more refined you are now than you were even 10 years ago. We rejoice to see it. Namaste.

* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.

4 Kommentare

28. Dez. 2023

Thanks Alison for taking the time to put this altogether for us. It is much appreciated. Blessings to you in 2024.

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The Stone Spirit
28. Dez. 2023
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Thank you! 😀

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28. Dez. 2023

Wow, thank you, Ali! Crying about the glowing part...that's beautiful. 😘 Jen

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The Stone Spirit
28. Dez. 2023
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That part made me feel better, too. Thanks for reading. ❤️

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