What are crystals, and why do they exist? The Quartz Consciousness and my Lemurian seed quartz point give a master class in crystals: what they are, how they work, and what we need to know.
When I first began talking with the spirits of crystals, I was so amazed that I didn't stop to ponder exactly what was happening. Once I did, I realized that there's not much information on what crystals are and how they came to be. So I asked the stones to clue me in. My Lemurian quartz point raised its hand to speak, and here is the result.
What can you tell me about the energy we call "the Crystal Consciousness"?
The Crystal Consciousness is the will of the divine made manifest. The Crystal Consciousness is the pure expression or essence of the I AM, packaged in a manner—crystals—that can be easily used by those who are in physical form. The consciousness itself is close to Source. It guides and directs the use of the crystal matrix.
Why do we have crystals on Earth?
For the same reason crystals have been seeded throughout the universe. To serve. To provide tools. To connect. To encourage. To support. To heal. To bring balance. Crystals are powerful tools for enlightenment, healing, and spiritual work.
How did the different types of crystals come to be?
Consciousness expresses and experiences itself by creating. In this case, the overall Crystal Consciousness was given the directive from the I AM to do and be all the things we mentioned previously. The Crystal Consciousness then partitioned itself according to the color rays and vibratory levels, and created the individual types of physical crystal matrices from the elements available on your planet, each with a specific set of purposes. And of course, those individual crystal types are sparks of the divine and so are also conscious. That is why you see them as “spirits.”
Why do they all seem like different personalities? My white moonstone's personality is very different from the personality I experience as the moonstone consciousness.
Because they ARE different. Just as you have a different “personality” than another spark from your higher self, so they do, too. They are shaped by experience. And also by the way they choose to support the physical experience—the mission they choose for themselves, if you will.
What is the relationship between the crystal world and Gaia, our Earth?
Symbiotic. The physicality of one cannot exist without the other. On the etheric plane, they are partners and companions in the I AM’s expansion “project.”
Is there a different crystal consciousness on the different planets?
One overall Crystal Consciousness. And as many sparks as there are grains of sand in your reality. For the universe is vast and exceeds your present understanding. But know this: The crystals exist to serve, protect, expand, connect, power, direct, and heal. And they have other purposes, as well.
Why are crystals becoming popular now? I seem to see them everywhere.
The human race is rising in awareness and vibration such that it is becoming aware of like vibratory essences. The crystals are one of the most important of these. The crystals are reaching out in any way they can to help support that increase in vibratory level.
What should we know about working with crystals?
With great power comes great responsibility. Be pure of intent. Intend your manifestations to serve the highest good of all. Crystals will help to manifest whatever you focus on, so focus on the light!
Photo by Jessica Hunt Photography