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Conversation with a dragon, part 2

Dragons are having a moment, as they say. They seem to be everywhere: in spiritual circles as well as television, film, games and art. That's purposeful, says the Dragon Consciousness. Here's why, and how to work with the dragons.

It's a funny truth that, once you become aware of something, you begin to notice it everywhere. It has happened to me with cars and feathers, and now it's happening with dragons. After I met Blue the air dragon and his water dragon friend, I began to see that dragons are omnipresent in popular culture: on television, in film, and in books, games, and art. The social media algorithms even got into the act and started showing dragon channelers and dragon meditations in my feeds.

My last conversation with a dragon was dictated by Blue. But it left me with so many questions that I went back to him with a list, including just why dragons are so prevalent right now. The information here was provided by Blue and the overall Dragon Consciousness, in partnership with the Onyx Consciousness.

Hello again. Can you tell me why we seem to be seeing dragons everywhere just now?

Oh, child, we have always been here. You're just been blind. But the reason so many people are talking about, thinking about, drawing, and depicting dragons in this now is because the human consciousness has moved up in vibration enough for us to be able to access you. We're finally able to get through to your subconscious minds. That is causing a resurgence of interest in dragons. And it is wonderful to our eyes.

What is the nature of what we call the dragon energy?

Dragon energy is manifestation, resolve, and strength of purpose. Dragon energy is wisdom and silence. Dragon energy is the elements, the natural world, the energy of creation. Dragons help humans manifest. Dragons help humans manage the energies around them. Dragons assist the natural world: rocks; trees; plants; elementals. Dragons teach. Dragons help show the way.

Are we all born with a dragon guide, or just certain people?

The potential for a dragon guide exists for everyone. In other words, if you want a dragon guide and you are able to access the dragon energy, then you may have a dragon guide. But not everyone has a dragon guide in actuality, because not everyone has the ability to access the dragon energy. Dragons come to those with a like vibration.

How does one go about accessing the dragon energy or requesting a dragon guide?
  • Clarify your physical body. Limit your intake of low-vibration food, and that includes meat. Eat more lightly, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink juice. Lighten your physical body by lightening what you put into it.

  • Do no harm. Be kind to others. Protect the weak and those who do not have a voice, including the animals and insects. Do not read about, watch, or partake in violence.

  • Meditate. Be silent. Be comfortable inside your own skin. Develop your spiritual gifts. Only then can you open to the dragon energy. Only then will it answer your call.

How do dragons work with us?

A dragon will contact you in sleep or in meditation, if you're open. Once you've accepted the connection, the dragon will be available to help you. The specific energy of the dragon that's called to you will be what you need, or perhaps what you are. If you need earth energy or are aligned with earth energy, you'll get an earth dragon. If you need water energy or are aligned with water energy, you'll get a water dragon. And so forth.

From there, you can call on your dragon's energy to:

  • Help in manifestation.

  • Send healing energy to others or to the Earth (they would very much appreciate that).

  • Assist with personal issues and with spiritual growth.

  • Nudge you toward things you need to take notice of or to bring into your life.

Really, you're only limited by your imagination.

And how should we work with dragons?

Be respectful. Dragons are powerful allies. Respect their strength and knowledge. Be kind to the earth; be kind to each other. Be in gratitude for the nurturing and support that your dragon can give you.

What should we expect when we work with dragon energy?

Don't expect us to pussyfoot around. We're going to tell you how it is, straight up. That doesn't mean we don't operate with love. But sometimes our energy can fall more on the side of tough love. So don't expect to be coddled. That's not who we are. In many ways, we are the tarot deck's king of swords—power, courage, truth, and impartial judgment.

What else would you like us to know?

We are grateful to have this channel for getting information out to people about the Dragon Consciousness. You are a good ambassador. We ask that all respectfully request our assistance, and if the vibrations match, we will heed your call.

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