I met a dragon. Not words I ever thought I'd put together in a sentence, but my life has become a series of weirdnesses, so I'm going with it. After hanging out with me for several days, my dragon friend decided to give us an introduction to dragon energy.
I often wake around 3am (sigh), and this morning was no exception. I began to contemplate what the next blog post would be and came up empty, so I asked the guides. Their answer? “Why not just see what comes out?” This is the result.
I should not have been surprised at the topic. I felt that my small onyx dragon skull (sourced by my friend Courtnay at Courtnays Crystals) wanted to be involved in today’s channeling. I’d met three dragons in meditation the week before, including a blue one that showed up repeatedly in meditation, in my dreams, and even during yoga class. Blue, as I’m calling him, is the source of this channel, which was offered in partnership with my guide Ra-Sha and the Onyx Consciousness.
As you might imagine, this channeling raised more questions than it answered for me. And since we can’t get to all those questions or you would never make it to the bottom of the page, we’ll tackle them at a later date. (If you have a question about or for the Dragon Consciousness, do feel free to send it along.)
Hello, do you have a message for me?
Yes, we are happy to make contact with you. We want to reassure you that you are indeed seeing your own dragon and other dragons that are ready to work with you. You have worked with these dragons previously.
Thank you! What do dragons want us to know now?
It's a new world. It's a new day. It's a new consciousness. We are here! At last, those of you who are in a like vibrational state can reach us. We are legion; we are many. We would like to give you an overview of the dragon consciousness now.
That would be delightful, thank you.
The Dragon Consciousness is a consciousness that attunes to the highest level of vibration. There are many flavors of dragons, as you would say. Dragon energy is everywhere, but not accessible to all. And in fact, dragon energy has not been accessible to the largest portion of the population for many, many thousands of years. The vibration was simply too low. But now the consciousness has risen sufficiently, and we are able to be accessed.
Can you tell us about the different types of dragons?
Yes. We're going to start with the four elements here. There are many other dragons to speak of, but for this purpose we will be dealing only with earth, air, fire, and water.
Earth dragons.
There is much confusion about what earth dragons are capable of. Earth dragon energy is deep, solid, warm, and nurturing. Earth dragons help with growing plants, cleaning and clearing the land, and connecting all forms of life rooted in the Earth.
Earth dragons ground Gaia and hold light. They help maintain the circle of life, from birth to death to rebirth. So, when you asked the earth dragons to help your garden grow so that it could feed the birds and pollinators, that was a perfectly acceptable way to work with earth dragon energy. No gifts were necessary.
Earth dragon energy is quiet and somewhat reticent with humans. But much like the fairy consciousness, earth dragons are open to working with humans who respect and nurture the land.
Air dragons.
Air dragon energy is playful, lighthearted, and cleansing to the human system. They help with purifying the atmosphere, clearing negative energies, and beaming light into Gaia. They also help humans transmute negative thoughts.
Air dragons may be the easiest dragon consciousness to access. That's because they are quite social energies and enjoy interacting with others. When you see a cloud that is shaped like a dragon, you can be sure that a dragon has been there, at least momentarily. There is a seer who says that moisture condenses upon energy, and that is true. So, you could think of a dragon-shaped cloud as the footprint of a dragon.
Air dragons do not operate in areas where there is active war and bloodshed, because the two cannot exist in the same space at the same moment. Air dragons exist and operate where nature is abundant and the land is energetically at peace.
Some say all air dragons are blue. The reality is that we can be any color we want to be. The vibration of the color blue does align with our vibration, and therefore you can think of air dragons as blue.
Fire dragons.
Fire dragon energy is exciting and stimulating to the intellect. Fire dragon energy is consciousness itself, for the spark that is the soul is pure fire, isn't it? Fire dragons are action, activation, even aggression. Fire is many things: destructive, cleansing, purifying.
Fire dragons are right at home in many mountain ranges, particularly those ranges that are geothermically active. Fire dragons are also comfortable in other places where geothermic forces are active. So, you can think of them as entities most associated with volcanos and hot springs.
Fire dragons are excellent partners for manifestation in business. That’s because of their incredible appetite for movement and action.
Water dragons.
Water dragon energy is nurturing, uplifting, and soothing. Like air dragons, water dragons are playful and like to interact with others, including humans.
Water dragons are reaction, ease, strength, and power expressed in a way that is reactive. You're fond of saying that water will always find the point of balance. Water dragons help humans to seek balance. They also help humans to find the path of least resistance.
Water dragons clear the water, connect the beings of the water, and help connect continents to each other by facilitating communication through water.
How should we work with dragon energy?
One way is to ask dragons to assist you as you send energy to your world. For example:
To help heal the land around you, respectfully request the earth dragons to help you channel your positive energy into the land with the intention to heal it.
For help growing your service-based business, respectfully ask the fire dragons to inspire and support your efforts to grow.
To help heal the planet or clear your thoughts, lovingly ask the air dragons to clear and cleanse the skies, throw a healing aura over an area in need, or dispel thoughts that make you sad.
To help clear the waterways, lovingly request the water dragons’ assistance in channeling your positive energy into the ocean with the intention to cleanse it of negative materials and vibrations.
What else would you like us to know about dragons?
Working with dragon energy is simple. Being able to access dragon energy is less so. Meditate, quiet your mind, limit your intake of low-vibration food, and avoid violence in story, film, or deed. There was a time when this was simply known as the way to live. We are happy to report that time will come again. Namaste.