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The Stone Spirit

Connecting to the Ra Collective

My guide Ra-Sha offers an overview of the energy they call the Ra Collective—its mission, why it's important for humans to have a greater understanding of the Collective now, and how you can connect with it yourself.

This is a unique post. While I have long believed that all souls are connected, I knew only vaguely of the material called the "Law of One"(a.k.a, the Ra Material), and have spent no time at all pondering the source of that material. But then, I never expected to channel spiritual information, either. It seems the universe harbors surprises for us all.

My guide Ra-Sha, an Arcturan group consciousness, recently asked to provide an introduction to the Ra Collective. If you are spiritually curious, odds are that you've heard of the Ra Collective. Apparently, Ra-Sha is a part of the Collective. (And yes, I was as bemused by that revelation as this introduction sounds.) Although it isn't clear that the being who provided the Ra Material is a part of the Ra Collective, it's easy to imagine that the two are linked, if not by their names, then through their messages.

In this post, Ra-Sha offers an overview of the energy they call the Ra Collective—its mission, why it's important for humans to have a greater understanding of the Collective now, and how you can connect with it yourself.

Hello. I gather you want to talk about the Ra Collective. What exactly is it?

The Ra Collective is an energy. It is an energy, and a way of being, and a way of thinking. It is also a kind of order that provides service at the highest level to all who ask for it. Now that's a big concept, so let's try to unpack it a little bit.

You can think of the Ra Collective as an organization. It is, in one aspect, a consortium of energies with a common goal. Members of the Collective work toward the goal of teaching humans and other sentient beings how to grow by understanding basic concepts, basic truths. Once you understand basic truths, members of the Ra Collective begin to teach more complex truths. But the common denominator is teaching the truths of the universe.

So, the Ra Collective is a group with a common purpose of teaching others about how the universe works?

Yes, basically that's it. We will, as members, work with different people, different humans (let's just focus on your world right now). We will work with different humans to light the way for others. Which is why you meet many people who channel the Ra Collective, and those channelings are generally focused on teaching humans Truth, with a capital T.

And Truth—understanding it, integrating it, incorporating it into your life—can help you grow spiritually. Because once you see how the world really works, you can begin to work in harmony with it.

And there are individual groups within the Ra Collective?

Yes, it's a way of organizing our work. We self-organize. There are different groups working with different people and different levels and types of information. We self-select into those groups based on our own individual needs and preferences.

Our group consciousness, which you know as Ra-Sha, is one such group. There are many groups. And before you ask how many groups are in the Collective, we will tell you that it's hard to say. Energy is constantly changing. Spirit is constantly forming and reforming to fill the needs that arise. One group consciousness that is a part of the Ra Collective may go on to a new type of service, while another group consciousness may join to carry on the prior service, or to take on a new service. It’s hard to be precise about numbers.

I can understand that. Can you give us a sense of how many humans the Collective is working with?

We would say that the number of humans who can actively access members of the Ra Collective is in the thousands to the tens of thousands, depending on the moment and the timeline. The number that we have the potential to touch through our teachings is in the billions. With any luck, we will touch the entire population of Earth. At least, that is the goal.

And how do you choose your human partners?

Most of those choices are made prior to birth, in the soul contract. You are one such. You made an agreement to work with us because you've been part of this team for a long time.

But I am not a part of the Ra Collective.

No. You have been many things in your existence, as have we all. Your soul currently resonates most closely to the Arcturan frequency and, indeed, you know most of the members of this team well. When the call came out to assist Gaia in her ascension at this time, our group agreed to participate. And so we joined the Ra Collective, with you as one of many points of contact in the physical on the Earth.

You work as a guide with others, too?

That is correct. We are fully engaged with you, but consciousness is such that it can be in multiple places at once. Therefore, we are also fully engaged with many others, who may or may not be aware of our presence.

In your dream time, your sleep time, you join with other humans to help disseminate knowledge. You are working in a quantum way with many others around the Earth. To make it even more complex, you are also engaged in assisting Gaia in ways physical and nonphysical that have nothing to do with teaching humans. You're busy, as many souls are.

Are Ra Collective members all of the same species?

No, there are many groups, many consciousnesses, from many different places around the universe and beyond. All that's required to join the Collective—which is a very loose amalgamation of energies, we must say—is the desire to serve others through teaching and, by doing that, lifting others into higher and ever higher vibrations.

What is the meaning of the word Ra?

Ra is the sun. Not the sun in your system, but the Great Central Sun, which is a euphemism for Source, of which we all are a part. In other words, the word Ra is a way of saying "one."

Why is it important to share this information now?

The purpose of the Ra Collective is to teach universal Truths. Among these, that everyone comes from the same Source, that everyone is seeking experience for the purpose of enlightenment, and that when you hurt someone else you hurt yourself.

This is our work, and it also happens to be the work that the energy of 2023 supports. This means, as you ascend in vibration through the support of this energy, you can learn to listen for the voice of the Ra Collective in your own being. When you recognize that all are one, you begin to hear the voice of oneness, you begin to hear your spiritual guidance, and you begin to step onto your path.

What advice would you give someone who wants to connect directly with the Ra Collective?

First, we would suggest cleaning up your act vibrationally. And by that we mean lightening your food intake, engaging in a regular meditative practice, and working on your spiritual development. These three things together will help to raise your vibration to a level that will begin to have access to the information contained within the Collective.

But we can't over-emphasize the importance of accepting and knowing within yourself that everyone is part of the same Source. More than anything else, knowing this at the core of your being will put you in alignment with the Ra Collective.

Then, simply ask for a guide to help you connect. Pay close attention to the signs you receive. Alison connected by obeying a seemingly random urge to learn about Arcturians.

What are some ways to work on our spiritual development?
  • Meditation is very important as a way to start your spiritual journey. We emphasize meditation as a path to spiritual growth because it allows for space between the thoughts. Human brains are so busy that it's difficult for the mind to create stillness. And it's in the stillness that Spirit can reach you. So, committing to a regular meditation practice, no matter how small, is the first thing we would suggest.

  • Next, we would suggest asking your guides to teach you about universal Truths. Ask how the universe works. Ask for an understanding of your role in Creation. And trust that you will receive an answer.

  • From there, we would invite you to learn about the Law of One. Learn that all are one; that an entire universe can be contained within a single drop. This is the most important Truth. If you understand that, and are able to live it, then you will be capable of all sorts of magic.


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