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Color 101: How color works in our reality

The Stone Spirit

Why do we have favorite colors? And how can we work with color in our daily lives? The Danburite Consciousness and my guides talk about the nature and meaning of color, and how color works in our reality.

How color works in our reality

We're done with sacred geometry for the moment, but well before we completed the final post on Metatron's Cube, the guides were telling me that color would be our next adventure.

While they whetted my appetite with a few tidbits on the color blue (coming next week!), they agreed that some level-setting should be the first order of business. The Danburite Consciousness and my guides Christopher, Lira, Eloice, and Ra-Sha introduce the role of color in our reality—including why we have favorite colors and how we can work with color in our daily lives.

Can you explain the nature of what we call "color"?

We thought you'd never ask. This conversation on color will be a new series for you. But first we want to give you an overview of color, which we know you have also been pondering.


In our universe, colors are energy made visible. They are energy with a specific vibration and intention. Colors are light, separated in such a way that their individual vibrations can be dominant.


You think of light as white. And that's true: Light before it has been refracted into its component vibrations is white. But once the vibrations have been separated, as in a rainbow, the light becomes color. You get the red, green, blue, yellow, and violet colors that you see in your rainbow. That is nothing more than light separated into its component parts.


We call each of those base colors a “ray.” So, you will have the red ray, the green ray, the blue ray, the yellow ray, and the violet ray. Each ray has a specific vibration that corresponds to a specific intention or state, for lack of a better word.

You say color has a vibration that corresponds to an intention or state of being. But there are so many different variations of color. How does that work?

There are as many variations in color as are needed. Our universe is complex. Our experiences are complex. Color and vibration are aspects of Source energy as it seeks to understand and experience all that is.

We and Source are trying to see ourselves from all different perspectives. Since light is a part of Source, you can even consider light to be an aspect of Source. So, if Source is looking at itself from a specific perspective, you could say that that specific view has a specific color. Turquoise blue is quite different from baby blue. Both vibrations are different ways that Source is experiencing itself.

Thank you, that's helpful. When we are attracted to a specific color, what's actually happening?

When you find your attention attracted to a color, you are subconsciously drawn to the vibration and intention of that color. We speak of your subconscious in the broadest possible sense. You can think of your mind in three parts: the conscious mind; the unconscious mind; and the subconscious mind.

  • The conscious mind is the part of you that's engaged in your everyday life.

  • The unconscious mind is the part of you that is not engaged in anything, but is experiencing everything and recording it.

  • The subconscious mind surrounds the conscious and unconscious minds. It is the part of the mind that is connected to Spirit and the greater reality outside of your narrow physical existence. It is the part of your mind that knows everything. It is the part of your mind that brings you spiritual guidance; that is connected to your spirit guides; that is connected to your past, future, and parallel lives; that is connected to the Akashic Records. The subconscious mind is aware of why you are here and what you need to do to accomplish those goals.

So, when we say that your subconscious is attracted to a color because of the vibration of that color, we are saying that your subconscious knows that you need that particular vibration, or color ray, in your life in that moment and draws the attention of your conscious mind to it.

I think I need an example.

Of course. You like flowers. Recall a day in the recent past when you were shopping for flowers. As you looked at the flowers on display, you heard the words “yellow ray.” That was the energy you needed at that moment. It was expedient for your subconscious to draw your attention to yellow flowers, because they were there before you.

We've said that there is no waste on the spirit plane. [laughter] Since you were already going to buy flowers and bring them home, your subconscious guided you to flowers of the yellow ray. You listened to that guidance and that is indeed what you purchased.

That makes me think of favorite colors. What's happening when we consistently prefer one color over others?

Different things. Often a favorite color resonates with the person you want to be. That picture of yourself has a vibration, and the color has a vibration, and those two vibrations match.

In other words, there's an aspirational quality to having a favorite color. You subconsciously understand the vibration of a color and respond to it. It's one way for your subconscious to bring that picture of yourself into reality. The more you align yourself with the vibration of your favorite color, the closer you are to the picture you have of yourself.

Is our favorite color always aspirational?

Nearly always. Sometimes you are already vibrating in sync with the color and therefore the color is a reflection of who you already are, energetically.

How can we use color to help us in our daily lives?

To start with, you can be more mindful about the color that surrounds you. One clue is your own personal coloring. We mean the color of your hair, eyes, and skin. These are your clue to the colors that you should keep inside your aura. There are certain colors that look better on you than others. These are colors that are an expression of who you are. Or at least, who you meant yourself to be when you embarked upon this incarnation. So getting in touch with the colors that look good on you and keeping those colors in your aura is one way of working with color for the betterment of this incarnation.

Another way to work with color is to be aware of the vibration and characteristics of each color. Let’s look at red, for example. One characteristic of red is physical healing where warmth is helpful, for example, muscle pain, soft tissue injuries, and the like. Many practitioners already know about the healing benefits of red light on the body. There's a whole world out there when it comes to color, and we can but scratch the surface here.

Is there anything else that we should know about working with color?

The knowledge and understanding of how color works in your reality is beginning to rise again in your human consciousness. Watch for those people who have an innate understanding of how to work mindfully with color for healing and other purposes. They will be the teachers as humans begin to build their new reality. For make no mistake, your reality is shifting in a wondrous way. We are very excited to see where it is heading.


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