crystal reading
Book your personal
These readings are a powerful spiritual "tune-up." I don't make predictions or tell you when you'll meet your soulmate. Instead, I channel messages that show you what you need to know now to help smooth your path going forward. You'll have messages from the stones, but you also may hear from guides, angels, dragons, elementals, departed pets and loved ones, past lives, extraterrestrials, or other consciousnesses. It’s a bit like a crystal talk show, except you book the “guests.” I never know who will show up!
What people are saying

What to expect from
your crystal reading
These crystal readings come directly from the stones. Before we meet, the stones tell me who has messages for you. During the reading, I’ll channel your messages stone by stone. It's a dynamic conversation, and I'll try to answer your questions. Just know that I'm not in charge of who comes in. Your guides have an agenda; I'm just helping to translate it.
I’m often surprised by what comes through. But the stones know what they’re doing. Messages may be work-, health-, or relationship-oriented. Or you may hear from a guide, an angel, the fairies, a past life, a pet, or even one of the animal consciousnesses. Whatever happens, your reading will bring the information you most need right now.