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Stone Stories

Oct 16, 20224 min read
Why you should pay attention to crop circles
Did you know that crop circles contain energetic messages that can help you raise your vibration? Here's why, and how we can work with them.

Sep 17, 20223 min read
Accelerate your spiritual growth with the spiral
The spiral features in countless ancient sites. My guides explain this age-old shape and show how to use it to rev up our spiritual growth.

Jun 13, 20224 min read
Transcend dimensions with Metatron's cube
Ra-Sha, Charlie, and apophyllite give a master class in working with Metatron's cube—and why you might want to be careful if you do.

Jun 6, 20223 min read
Ground your energy to Gaia with the cube
Feeling spacey? Having trouble focusing? You may need to ground your energy. Here's why grounding is important, and one way to do it.

May 29, 20222 min read
Help heal humanity with the flower of life
If you want a simple, accessible way to make a positive difference in the energy of our world, this post is for you.

May 23, 20223 min read
Jump-start your creative process with the tetrahedron
Who knew a three-sided pyramid could help us invent a new product, develop a new skill, or find a new way of thinking about an old problem?

May 9, 20223 min read
Journey through the cosmos with the icosahedron
According to my guide Charlie, the energies of the icosahedron lend themselves beautifully to journeying in meditation. Here's how.

May 2, 20223 min read
Shield your energy with the dodecahedron
Did you know that the dodecahedron allows you to filter energy? My guide Charlie explains how we can use this shape for protection.

Mar 15, 20223 min read
Access your higher, past, or future self with the octahedron
The octahedron belongs to a family of sacred geometric shapes called the Platonic Solids. My guide Charlie explains its uses and benefits.

Mar 8, 20222 min read
Mastering flow with the seed of life
The stones say that sacred geometry is the programming language of the universe. My guide Charlie introduces us to the seed of life.

Mar 1, 20222 min read
Healing with the vesica piscis
My guide Charlie sheds light on sacred geometry and that most basic of sacred geometric shapes, the vesica piscis.
Channeled insights from the Crystal Consciousness
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