Hi! I’m Alison.
As a crystal medium, I channel messages from the spirits of crystals to provide enlightenment, direction, healing, and support.
The Crystal Consciousness has waited eons for people who can hear it and share its messages. I’m one of them. My guides tell me that my role in this life is to “speak for the stones.”
I don't think there is a time in my life when I didn't feel connected to the natural world. As a young adult, I grew fascinated by gemstones and crystals, and began to make and buy jewelry. Looking back, I think the stones were talking to me even then, but it wasn't until later in life that I realized I could understand what they wanted to say.
Now, I channel information from the stones, as well as from my guides and other beings and consciousnesses. ​What I receive is so interesting to me, I decided to share it with others in the Stone Stories blog. The blog is focused on explaining how our reality works—and how we can work with it to create our healthiest, most joy-filled lives.
This is a story of extraordinary things in an ordinary life.
When I was in my twenties, a psychic friend told me that later in life I would be able to “hear and see into the spirit world.” As fascinating as that was, I shelved the idea and went on to have a long, successful career as a writer and communication strategist. But when I turned 60, something changed. I obeyed the urge to start a daily meditation practice and in short order learned that I am a natural clairaudient. I’d always had a voice in my head—I just thought it was mine. Little did I know that my guides had been speaking to me all along.
I began to develop clairvoyant, claircognizant, and psychometric abilities, then realized that I am a medium. I can see and talk to spirits, especially the spirits of crystals. (Yes, they are conscious.) And through the stones, I have also communicated with departed spirits, tree and animal consciousnesses, gods and goddesses, archangels, archetypes, dragons, and even extraterrestrials.
Every part of our world is conscious, and there is much more to it than meets the eye. It’s beautiful, loving, and generous. And it wants to work with you.
In fact, the guides and others are taking me on healing meditative journeys, and asking me to share them with you. So on this site and my (small) YouTube channel, you can find free meditations that help you work with the stones, and with the energy around you. Enjoy.

Be pure of intent. Crystals will help manifest whatever you focus on. So focus on the light!
— Lemurian Seed Quartz Consciousness